Rhinogram has released the following bug fixes to improve platform performance.
Table of Contents
Bug Fixes
Session Timeout
Displaying Outgoing Phone Number for Automated Messages
Adding RhinoForms to Templates
Integrated Contact Editor Role Update
These features are for ALL Organizations
Session Timeout
After setting the ‘System Timeout Period’ in the Organization Preferences, the session did not expire in the designated ‘System Timeout Period’. This has been fixed.
Displaying Outgoing Phone Number for Automated Messages
Only manual messages were displaying the outgoing phone number in the Patient Conversation thread. Now, when hovering over an automated message, we will display the number it was sent to.
*This section does not apply to topsOrtho customers*
Adding RhinoForms to Templates
Members did not have the option to add a form when editing a template. They now will be able to add RhinoForms when editing templates.
Integrated Contact Editor Role Update
Members with the Integrated Contact Editor Role will now have the ability to add additional numbers, in addition to updating existing numbers on Integrated Contacts.
Januari Paul
Welcome to Rhinogram v3.19
Rhinogram has released the following bug fixes to improve platform performance.
Table of Contents
Bug Fixes
Session Timeout
Displaying Outgoing Phone Number for Automated Messages
Adding RhinoForms to Templates
Integrated Contact Editor Role Update
These features are for ALL Organizations
Session Timeout
After setting the ‘System Timeout Period’ in the Organization Preferences, the session did not expire in the designated ‘System Timeout Period’. This has been fixed.
Displaying Outgoing Phone Number for Automated Messages
Only manual messages were displaying the outgoing phone number in the Patient Conversation thread. Now, when hovering over an automated message, we will display the number it was sent to.
*This section does not apply to topsOrtho customers*
Adding RhinoForms to Templates
Members did not have the option to add a form when editing a template. They now will be able to add RhinoForms when editing templates.
Integrated Contact Editor Role Update
Members with the Integrated Contact Editor Role will now have the ability to add additional numbers, in addition to updating existing numbers on Integrated Contacts.