Announcing Rhinogram 3.5.4

Rhinogram has a NEW release - Introducing v3.5.4!

Coming Soon!

*If you or someone at your practice is interested in learning more about either of the beta features listed below, feel free to reach out to

Table of Contents

  1. Multi-Factor Authentication - BETA

  2. Single Sign-On -  BETA

  3. New & Improved Rhinogram navigation

  4. RhinoBlast Enhancements

    • Building RhinoBlast Lists from the Inbox view

    • Improved search feature when building Saved Lists

    • Tracking Rhinoblast activity

  5. Phone Number Indicator visible within the Conversation Thread

  6. Outbound channel selection 

  7. Additional Languages now supported with Message Translation 

  8. Templates with Share links

  9. Integration Enhancements

New & Improved Rhinogram Navigation

Great news! We have updated our navigation panel to provide a better usability experience for our end users and to provide scalability for our platform, as we continue to add new features on the desktop and mobile app.

  1. A smaller, Vertical Navigation Bar appears on the left-hand side of the screen and includes the following icons (from top to bottom):

  • Inbox
  • Contacts

  • Analytics Dashboard

  • Organizational Settings

  1. Selecting one of the icons from the navigation bar will update the detail panel accordingly and the color of the navigation bar. For example:

    • Selecting the Inbox Icon in the Vertical Navigation Bar will display the My Tasks, Patient Messages, and Team Messages sections and the navigation bar will appear “blue” as shown below:



  • Selecting the Contacts Icon in the Vertical Navigation Bar will display the Individual and Saved Lists sections and the navigation bar will appear “blue” as shown below:

Note: If the logged in member does not have the correct permissions to view “Saved Lists”, this section will be hidden accordingly. 


  • Selecting the Analytics Dashboard Icon in the Vertical Navigation Bar will display the Messaging and Conversation Activity sections and the navigation bar will appear “green” as shown below: 


Note: If the logged in member does not have the correct permissions to view the “Analytics Dashboard”, this icon will be hidden accordingly



  • Selecting the Settings Icon in the Vertical Navigation Bar will display the all sections the logged in user has access too and the navigation bar will appear “navy” as shown below:

  Note: If the logged in member does not have the correct permissions to view a specific section within Settings, the option will be hidden accordingly.



Need a tour of the new user experience?


Well, great news! Rhinogram has you covered. We’ve added a Guided Tour option the first time  you login to your account after the release! This tour will only load once per device and per member, assuming the member interacts with it in some way. If not and the member ignores the guided tour option, it will present again upon the next login.

If a team member takes the tour on the desktop, they can also login to the mobile app and take the tour there as well. You may “close” out of the tour at any time.


The final change is related to “Log Out”; It has been changed to an icon as shown below.


RhinoBlast Enhancements

You asked, and we listened! RhinoBlast has increased in functionality in order to provide you with more efficiency throughout your day! 

Building RhinoBlast Lists from the Inbox view

We have added the ability to send a RhinoBlast message from an inbox list view.  A team member can now select one or more contacts within an Inbox and use the Bulk Actions dropdown to access the new option, “RhinoBlast”. (Yes, you heard us right - insert happy dance)!


Improved search feature when building Saved Lists

Currently, when creating a Saved List, you are only able to select one contact at a time.  

With our improved search feature, you will now have the ability to select multiple contacts at one time, and see who has already been selected from the search list.

When creating these lists, consider the following: 

  1. It is possible to select multiple contacts from the list.

  2. Selecting a contact from the search list will:

    • Populate the search box.

    • Put a “green” check on the contact in the list.

    • Leave the list open for additional contacts to be added.

    • Move the search term to the right of the latest selected contact.

  3. It is possible to deselect a previously selected contact.  This will remove the “green” check and remove the contact from the search box.

  4. It is possible to use multiple search terms and criteria, ie tags, name, DOB to make building a list even easier.


Tracking RhinoBlast Activity

Do you need a way to see how many blast messages your practice has sent? Also have a need to see which messages may have failed during transmission? Well, now you can!

First, select the analytics dashboard icon within the vertical navigation bar.

Next, select the conversation activity section.

The screen will default to “Open” conversations. Select the new tab called “Campaigns.” 

This will include a list of RhinoBlast messages sent within the last 30 days by default. From this new screen, you can see the following information: 

  • The Time/Date the RhinoBlast message was sent.

  • The Member that sent the RhinoBlast message.

  • The Message content that was sent.

  • The count of contacts it was sent to.

  • The count of messages that failed to send.

There will only be 50 campaigns per page. Arrows have been added to allow users to move to additional pages, if applicable.

Note: The count of contacts will display the number of contacts who own the number. For example, if two contacts share a number, we will display a count of 1, because only 1 contact can own the number and that is the contact who received the blast message. You can also expand the messages to see which message failed, and select the contact to see the actual message.


Phone Number Indicator in the Conversation Thread

We have made it easier to tell which phone number you are texting within a conversation thread for contacts with multiple phone numbers. Details include:

  1. Hovering over the number within the conversation thread will allow you to view the “outgoing phone number” the message was sent too.

  2. Failed statuses will still display; however, the icon associated to the failed status has been removed.



Outbound channel selection 

If your practice has multiple numbers that are textable, we have great news for you! 

Currently, when you use the global search to search for patients and text them, the “from” will default to the channel added into Rhinogram first. Now, we will default in this order:

  1. Existing Landlines (numbers from your practice that Rhinogram made textable during the Implementation process)

 Note:If you have multiple existing numbers in Rhinogram, we will “randomly” select the default outbound number if using the global search. To select the phone channel specifically tied to an inbox, use the + sign within the inbox.

  1. New Numbers (numbers given to you by Rhinogram)

  2. Facebook Channel 

Additional Languages now supported with Message Translation 

We now support a total of 10 languages!! The new languages added are:

  • Chinese

  • Filipino

  • Vietnamese

  • Russian

  • Thai

  • Korean

Templates with Share links

Send large files, such as PDF or MP4, files via templates using Text messages.

  1. Rhinogram has expanded our text messaging solution by allowing any file type up to 20MB to be sent via text (no more requiring the use of RhinoSecure to send these larger file types).

  2. This capability is ONLY supported using templates. When using the "Attach file" option, all existing rules still apply (meaning only image files 600kb or less are supported).

    1. First, create or modify an existing template and attach one or more files to the template. Each file must be under the 20MB size limit. All file types are now supported.

    2. When sending a text message to a given contact (using the message tab), select the + and "Use Template".

    3. From the list of templates, select the template with the larger image file, PDF or video file (Yes, even MP3 or MP4 files are now supported)!

    4. The attachments will appear (see below):




                    6. Select the green paper airplane to send the message to the contact.

                    7. Rhinogram will recognize when non-image file formats are attached to a text message or if the file size is larger than the 600kb limitation enforced texting images and instead send a "link" to the patient. 

                    8. Once the patient receives the text, they are able to click the "link" to view or download the files from a web browser. 

Note: This means you can send larger files to a patient using a text message and are no longer required to use RhinoSecure to send these file types/sizes.     RhinoSecure is still supported for those contacts that prefer that communication route.

Integration Enhancements

Our Integrations are continuing to improve to provide a more seamless experience for you! The enhancements for this release include:

  1. Saved Content write back for Cloud9 and Nextech

  • We can now support saved content being sent back to Cloud9 and Nextech! Once content has been saved, the saved document can be accessed in the contact’s profile summary under Library>Saved Content. Here, you have the option to send the document to the patient’s chart by selecting “Send Now.”


  1. Cloud 9: Ability to pull All patients or Active patients only & configuration options to determine the order we pull patients and/or RP data.

    • The order you pull data (patient first or RPs first) determines which contact gets ownership of the phone number. If the RP is the first contact with a unique phone number to get inserted into your Rhinogram account, the RP will become the phone owner. If the Patient is the first contact with a unique phone number to get inserted into your Rhinogram account, the patient will become the phone owner.

Check out the 3.5.4 Product Showcase Webinar!

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