Rhinogram has added 3 new features to your account that we're excited to share with you!
Search capabilities have been expanded!
The following search updates have been made to help you find contacts and/or team members more easily.
Searching by Name: When searching a name such as "Homer S", search results will now return "Homer Simpson" as an example. Users no longer need to have 3 characters for the second name for the name to display in the search results.
Characters: It is now possible to search for names containing ' and - symbols (i.e. Ja'Ron or Pierre-Claude)
Searching by DOB: Entering a 2-digit year such as 09/23/19 will return all birthdays in 2019. Previously, the user had to enter the entire 4-digit year.
Send larger files, such as PDF or MP4, files via templates using Text messages
Rhinogram has expanded our text messaging solution by allowing any file type up to 20MB to be sent via text (no more requiring the use of RhinoSecure to send these larger file types).
This capability is ONLY supported using templates. When using the "Attach file" option, all existing rules still apply (meaning only image files 600kb or less are supported).
First, create or modify an existing template and attach one or more files to the template. Each file must be under the 20MB size limit. All file types are now supported.
When sending a text message to a given contact (using the message tab), select the + and "Use Template".
From the list of templates, select the template with the larger image file, PDF or video file (Yes, even MP3 or MP4 files are now supported)!
The attachments will appear (see below):
Select green paper airplane to send the message to the contact.
Rhinogram will recognize when non-image file formats are attached to a text message or if the file size is larger than the 600kb limitation enforced by texting images and instead send a "link" to the patient.
Once the patient receives the text, they are able to click the "link" to view or download the files from a web browser. NOTE: This means you can send larger files to a patient using a text message and are no longer required to use RhinoSecure to send these file types/sizes. RhinoSecure is still supported for those contacts that prefer that communication route.
Deactivating members will now automatically close any open conversations assigned to that team member.
When a member is deactivated, any conversations that are directly assigned (“Assigned to Me”) or conversations that have been forwarded directly to that member will be automatically closed upon deactivating the member.
If a conversation is closed, when the patient texts into the practice again, the message will follow the default route configured for your account (i.e. if your main line is routed to a Front Desk inbox by default, the new message will appear in the Front Desk group.)
NOTE: Rhinogram is running a script tonight, 7/8/2020, at 9pm ET that will automatically close any open conversations assigned to a deactivated member to ensure no messages are lost for your organization. Once all existing conversations have been cleaned up, going forward, deactivating a team member will automatically perform this action simply by deactivating the member within Member Settings.
Mandy Hancock
Rhinogram has added 3 new features to your account that we're excited to share with you!
NOTE: Rhinogram is running a script tonight, 7/8/2020, at 9pm ET that will automatically close any open conversations assigned to a deactivated member to ensure no messages are lost for your organization. Once all existing conversations have been cleaned up, going forward, deactivating a team member will automatically perform this action simply by deactivating the member within Member Settings.