Announcing Rhinogram v3.5

Introducing Rhinogram version 3.5!

Table of Contents

  1. Email Requirement

  2. New Member Invite

  3. Member Availability

  4. Variables in Templates

  5. Direct Chat with Multiple Members

  6. Codified Appointment Reminder Notification Preference

  7. Phone Labels

  8. Mobile Notification Alert

  9. Bug Fixes

Email Requirement

Rhinogram cares about security and ensuring that your data is protected. As a result, this release will require a unique email address to be on file for each staff member of your organization. 

Upon logging into Rhinogram, users will NO LONGER be able to use a username. 

All Rhinogram users will be required to use a valid, unique email address for their login credentials.

So why is Rhinogram making this change?

  • Enhanced Security

    • Only allowing the member to request a link to reset their password reduces the risk of passwords getting in the wrong hands. 

    • Only the email provided will have the option to request a password reset and the member must have access to that email to retrieve the password. 

    • Rhinogram Support will no longer be able to provide temporary passwords.

  • Single Sign-On support

    • Adding this security measure will help pave the way for SSO support in the future.

  • Reduce member confusion

    • If a member of your organization forgets their password, they are responsible for entering their email address and selecting forgot password. 

    • This will email that member a link to reset their password.

    • Members no longer have to go to their administrators or call Rhinogram support.

Next steps for your practice should include:

  1. Adding a valid, unique email address for each staff member (email addresses cannot be shared among staff)

  2. Educating your staff to use their email address for their login. This includes updating any password manager tools used by the practice to be sure the most up to date data is stored for the given team member.

If the member attempts to enter their username instead of a valid email address, Rhinogram will display a new error message to the user.


What if the user has no email or cannot remember their email on file?

The staff member will need to work with their practice administrator or text or call our Rhinogram support team at (423) 800-7644 for assistance.


The administrator will need to login to Rhinogram, navigate to the Members page and update the members profile.


New Member Invite

Attention Super Users! 

When adding members to your Rhinogram account, you now get to decide whether you want to send the Rhinogram invitation immediately or wait until a later time. 

Within the ‘Add Members’ page, there are now two (2) buttons available when choosing how to save the member.

  1. Add & Invite Member


  • Using this option will add the member into Rhinogram and send the welcome email from Rhinogram to the staff member at the same time.

  1. Add Member 


  • Using this option will allow you to complete configuration and training with the team before members begin logging into Rhinogram.

  • All staff members will be added into Rhinogram, but administrators can send the invitations to those members at a later date.

If you elect to use the Add Member option to later send the Welcome to Rhinogram email, the members list view and profile summary will indicate which members have received the invitation and which have not.

Within the List View:


Selecting this member from the list will load the profile summary panel.

From the profile summary panel, administrators will be able to ‘Send Invite’ when the time is appropriate.


Note:Once the invite is sent to a given member, it is NOT possible to resend the invitation. The member will need to launch Rhinogram, enter their email address and use the forgot password option to be emailed a link to reset their password.

Member Availability

Have you ever assigned a message to a member or group, but was unsure as to whether or not they were available?  Great news! Rhinogram has added an availability indicator at the bottom right corner of the member’s avatar to represent whether or not the member is on/offline. 



Desktop Rules:

If a member is “inactive” in the Rhinogram app for longer than 10 minutes, then a gray dot will display on the member’s avatar. The member must be active on the Rhinogram app in order for their availability indicator icon to show green.

Mobile Rules:

The member has to be active in the Rhinogram app (must have the app downloaded on their phone and be logged in) in order for their availability indicator icon to show green.  If they choose to switch between apps (desktop/mobile), log out of Rhinogram or lock their screen, then the availability indicator icon will display as unavailable, gray.


The availability indicator will display in the following locations:

  • Assigning Messages

    • Now the member assigning a message can see if the assignee is available before they assign the message. If the assignee is Offline, they can let the contact know the assignee is currently away and may not be able to get back with them right away. 

    • This applies to individual patient messages, My Tasks, and Bulk Actions. 

Note: If a member attempts to assign a message to another member that is offline, a notification will display. This gives the member assigning the message two options:

  • Yes, Assign which will assign the selected message to the offline member

  • No, Don’t Assign which allows the member to choose another member in the clinic. 



  • Direct Team Chat

    • If a member sends a direct chat to another member in the clinic, we will display the offline or online indicator within the member search. 

    • Whether the direct chat is with multiple members or just one, the offline and online indicator will display in the summary profile.




  • Group Team Chat

    • If a member selects a Group within Team Messages, in the Summary panel where the members are listed, we have included an indicator of whether the member is online or offline.



Variables in Templates

Do you currently have templates with placeholders that you have to update before you can send it to a contact? If you answered yes, well this enhancement is for you!

Introducing variables in templates! Adding a variable to a template allows information to automatically populate the template rather than you having to manually update it each time.

The following variables will be supported:

  1. Demographics

    1. Contact first name

    2. Contact last name

    3. Contact preferred name

  2. Appointment Date and Time

  3. Organization

    1. Organization Name (as it appears within Rhinogram)

    2. Sending member first name

    3. Sending member last name


Variables in templates will only be supported for contact message templates. This means you will not have the ability to add a variable to a team message template. 

Sending a Template to a Contact

After selecting the contact, use the + sign within the message compose area to select the appropriate template. If a variable has been added to the template, it will pre-populate the information accordingly and appear in the message compose area with all information included.

Let’s use this example:

Jane, the front desk clerk, is sending a google review template to a patient that was seen in our office yesterday. 

Here is how the template looks before I use it for this contact: 

Note: This template includes two (2) variables and they display in blue text below.


Now Jane finds a patient who had a visit yesterday and selects this template within the compose message area. The variables automatically pulled the contact’s name and the organization’s name into the message which reduces time for Jane.


Let’s highlight a few rules that you’ll need to remember:

  1. If preferred name is used in a template and the contact you select does not have a preferred name, we will display the contact’s first name instead.

  2. If sending member is used in a template, the logged in member will be the name that automatically updates the message.

  3. If appointment date time is used in a template and the contact you select does not have an upcoming appointment, the variable will be blank. If the contact has multiple future appointments, all appointments will be listed and each appointment will be separated by a comma.

Direct Chat with Multiple Members

You asked, and we listened!  You can now directly chat with multiple team members at the same time! 

Currently in Rhinogram, team members can have a one on one conversation with another team member directly or within the groups they are added into. With this new feature, you can build a “group” of members to have a direct chat with on the fly.

To create a chat group:

  1. Navigate to Team Chat

  2. Select Direct

  3. Search for the members you want to add into your group

Make sure to check the box titled “Select Multiple Members,” as seen below. By doing this, you will also be able to see who is on/offline!


Once you have created your group, send messages and attachments like you were normally able to do in a single member direct chat.


Codified Appointment Reminder Notification Preferences

Attention Integrated customers! If you’re a practice that utilizes the Rhinogram appointment reminder system, you can now adjust your desktop and mobile notifications specifically for appointment reminder responses.

As shown above, a new option for Codified Appointment Reminder Responses has been added within the Member preferences page. 

By default, this option will be checked for all active members of your organization.

With this new preference selected, Appointment Reminder responses will trigger a Mobile or Desktop notification. 

If you do NOT want to receive notifications for these types of responses, login to Rhingram, go to your Member preferences page and uncheck the options shown above. Be sure to Save your preferences!

Phone Labels

Rhinogram customers can now use the phone label field associated with each phone number to add information that helps identify who the phone number belongs too. 

Note: For Integrated customers, the phone label field is only available for manually added contacts. 

Let’s take a pediatric patient as an example.

5 year old Aiden has 2 phone numbers associated with her contact profile and both are labeled as “Cell” numbers. Using the phone label field, a Rhinogram member could add a label such as Mom Cell and Dad Cell for each of those numbers, allowing the staff to know who they are communicating with.

This new field is not required. If you elect to use this field to identify more information about a given phone number, we do support alphanumeric and special characters in this field.


Mobile Notification Alert

Each member now has the option to Enable an Alternative Sound for Mobile Notifications. 

This sound, if enabled, will be used for any Mobile notifications you have selected.

The Alternative Sound option was designed to be more of an “Alarm” for staff who are using Rhinogram for after hours services. 

To use this new Alternative sound, login to Rhinogram and go to your member preferences.


Within Preferences, find the new Mobile Alert Option and toggle the option to ON. This will be OFF by default for all members after the upgrade.

Remember to save your preferences!


BUG Fixes

RhinoSecure login page was displaying the incorrect Practice Name due to special characters in the name of the Rhinogram organization. 

  • This issue has been resolved.

The use consent request template hyperlink disappeared from within Communication consent

  • This issue has been resolved and the "Use consent request template" hyperlink has been restored under the communication consent section. This only appears if the contact's HIPAA consent is set to Denied or Unknown status. Selecting this hyperlink will automatically populate the HIPAA consent message in the compose message box.

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