Announcing Rhinogram v3.5.6

Rhinogram v3.5.6 is HERE!

Table of Contents

  1. Merge Contacts

  2. Member Name Display 

  3. Increase Attachment File Size Limit to 50MB 

Merge Contacts

Great news, Herd members! 

Before this release, you could only merge unknown contacts with existing contacts. But now, you will also be able to merge any existing non-integrated contact into another existing non-integrated or existing integrated contact.

When merging conversations, the member will choose a “Master” or Parent contact record. The master record is the one that will remain after the merge. The “Non-Master” or Child contact record will be merged into the master during the merge process.

Here are some important things to keep in mind:

  1. Any member with edit contact permissions can merge contacts.

  2. Any unknown contact can be merged with an integrated or non-integrated contact.

  3. A master contact can be any existing contact (patient or Other contact type) whether they are integrated or non-integrated. Note: Unknown contacts cannot be the master record.

  4. A non-master contact can be any non-integrated contact of all types (unknown, patient, other).

  5. Merges cannot be undone.

  6. The thread history for both contacts will be maintained and chronologically merged to the master thread.

  7. The profile details will be maintained on the master thread

Steps to Merge a Contact: 

  1. Start with the non-master contact (Non-integrated)

  2. Select the 3 dots on the profile summary

  3. Select merge contact



Note: This will open up a search window to search for the master contact.


  1. Search for the master contact. Select the contact, acknowledge and merge.



Key Points to Remember when Merging Contacts:

  1. Data will not be removed from the master contact.

  2. Non-master data will be added to the Master contact where possible.

    1. In some cases, the master data will win.

    2. In other cases, Rhinogram will keep both sets of data (from master and non-master). 

    3. There are also cases where only the most recent data wins regardless of master or non-master record. (See the help center for more information).

  3. Patient ID field:

    1. If merging a Non-integrated contact to another non-integrated contact: Only the Patient ID on the Master will display. If no patient ID is on the Master contact, then populate ID from non-Master.

    2. If merging a Non-integrated contact to an integrated contact, the member can only merge if non-master contact has no external ID. If the non-master contact has an external id, the member cannot merge the contact into an integrated contact until the ID is removed. 

    3. If merging a Non-integrated contact to an integrated contact, the date of birth (DOB) will NEVER update the integrated master contact. Note: The PMS is the source of truth so the DOB will always pull from the PMS system.

  4. If both contacts have a RhinoSecure login, merge is not possible. If only one contact has a RhinoSecure login, we maintain the login of whichever one has it.

  5. Saved Lists for RhinoBlast - Non-master is removed from the list.


Member Listing Consistent Across APP

Currently, under Team Message Groups, the Members list in the Summary is Last Name and then First Name, but this is not consistent across the application. Now, anywhere where a Member’s name is listed in the application, it will show as Last Name and then First Name.

When you search for members in the global search, they will appear Last Name, First Name. All other contacts will still appear First Name then Last Name.


Here are the areas where the list has been updated:

  1. @Mentions - While mentioning a member in team group chat.

  2. Member Search & Global Search

  3. Channel Summary Profile - If a channel is routed to a member.

  4. Audit log member filter - Members’ list while applying filter for a member

  5. Analytics Dashboard => Conversation Activity => Open tab - Members list under Assignment column

  6. Analytics Dashboard => Conversation Activity => Closed tab - Members list under Closed By column

  7. Analytics Dashboard => Conversation Activity => Campaigns - Members list under campaigns

  8. Analytics Dashboard => Conversation Activity => MU (Medicaid) - Member filter & member list


The only exception to the rules above is when you view a Member’s name in a conversation thread or within the @mention of a member (as shown below):



Increase Attachment File Size Limit to 50mb

We’ve done yet another upgrade to file attachments! You will now be able to send up to 50MB files through RhinoSecure, Team Messages, and Templates.

We’ve also increased the file size for Facebook to 25MB.


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