RhinoCall is in a Beta period and will only be available for Beta users initially.
Inbox Reordering
Members can now sort their Patient messages and team message inbox alphabetically and chronologically
The default for all members menu will be chronological with an additional option for sorting their groups in alphabetical order
This will be controlled in the Ellipsis ( three vertical dots ) in the menu
Once selected, the setting will persist and can be changed at any time
We’ve also included a quick tour to explain this update.
This enhancement is available to all members in all organizations.
Closing Conversation
Great News ! Rhinogram now offers the ability to close a conversation regardless of how you have accessed that conversation. Whether you have searched for the contact, clicked through from the mentions list or contacts page you will be able to close the conversation right there and then.
A “Close Conversation” option has been added to the ‘actions’ menu ( three vertical dots ) with the conversation thread.
If multiple conversations are open for a contact, the user will be presented with the group name where the conversation currently is assigned.
Conversations can be closed one by one and an event will be added to the patient thread.
This feature also includes a tour to drive awareness of this enhanced capability
It will only be possible to close conversations that a member has access to.
Notification Preferences
For organizations with the option to control sound and badge count notifications, we have made it easier to opt in or out of notifications.
By default, members are opted in to receive sound and badge count notifications.
To opt out, simply disable the toggle.
We have ensured that the experience for members that have already opted out of receiving sounds/badges will be maintained.
New Language Translation
Rhinogram added two new languages to our translation service:
Burmese ( spoken in Myanmar )
These language options will be available to all members in all organizations
These Enhancements are only available to integrated customers based on integration type.
Cloud9 Daytime Sync
Great News !!
The Rhinogram / Cloud9 integration will now be set up for daytime data updates
Appointment data changes will now reflect every 15 minutes in Rhinogram.
Current Cloud9 integrated clients will be enabled for daytime updates in batches, so be on the lookout for communication from your Success team for when this is available for your organization.
Athena Write-Back of Documents
Athena customers now have the capability to write back documents from Rhinogram to the patient chart within Athena.
Completed RhinoForms and Saved Content documents can be sent to Athena directly from the patient library.
Prevent sending of appointment messages depending on location
Rhinogram is now offering the ability for integrated organizations to choose not to send automated appointment messages for select locations. This facilitates receiving appointment data for patient records but not sending reminders out for certain locations.
Contact Rhinogram Success to avail of this capability.
Januari Paul
Welcome to Rhinogram V3.6.3
Table of Contents
RhinoCalls Update - Beta
Inbox reordering - includes introductory tour
Closing conversation updates - includes introductory tour
Notification Options
New languages in translation
Cloud9 Daytime Sync - Integrated Orgs
Athena write-back - Integrated Orgs
Prevent sending of appointment messages depending on location - Integrated Orgs
To provide feedback on this release please contact your Rhinogram Success team.
RhinoCalls ( Beta )
We have made the following updates to RhinoCall.
Practices can now make phone calls from any phone number in Rhinogram, which allows you to call patients from your office landline through Rhinogram.
When making a call, it is possible to select which microphone and speaker you wish to make the call through.
For more information on Rhinocalls, click here:
RhinoCall is in a Beta period and will only be available for Beta users initially.
Inbox Reordering
Members can now sort their Patient messages and team message inbox alphabetically and chronologically
The default for all members menu will be chronological with an additional option for sorting their groups in alphabetical order
This will be controlled in the Ellipsis ( three vertical dots ) in the menu
Once selected, the setting will persist and can be changed at any time
We’ve also included a quick tour to explain this update.
This enhancement is available to all members in all organizations.
Closing Conversation
Great News ! Rhinogram now offers the ability to close a conversation regardless of how you have accessed that conversation. Whether you have searched for the contact, clicked through from the mentions list or contacts page you will be able to close the conversation right there and then.
A “Close Conversation” option has been added to the ‘actions’ menu ( three vertical dots ) with the conversation thread.
If multiple conversations are open for a contact, the user will be presented with the group name where the conversation currently is assigned.
Conversations can be closed one by one and an event will be added to the patient thread.
This feature also includes a tour to drive awareness of this enhanced capability
It will only be possible to close conversations that a member has access to.
Notification Preferences
For organizations with the option to control sound and badge count notifications, we have made it easier to opt in or out of notifications.
By default, members are opted in to receive sound and badge count notifications.
To opt out, simply disable the toggle.
We have ensured that the experience for members that have already opted out of receiving sounds/badges will be maintained.
New Language Translation
Rhinogram added two new languages to our translation service:
Burmese ( spoken in Myanmar )
These language options will be available to all members in all organizations
These Enhancements are only available to integrated customers based on integration type.
Cloud9 Daytime Sync
Great News !!
The Rhinogram / Cloud9 integration will now be set up for daytime data updates
Appointment data changes will now reflect every 15 minutes in Rhinogram.
Current Cloud9 integrated clients will be enabled for daytime updates in batches, so be on the lookout for communication from your Success team for when this is available for your organization.
Athena Write-Back of Documents
Athena customers now have the capability to write back documents from Rhinogram to the patient chart within Athena.
Completed RhinoForms and Saved Content documents can be sent to Athena directly from the patient library.
Prevent sending of appointment messages depending on location
Rhinogram is now offering the ability for integrated organizations to choose not to send automated appointment messages for select locations. This facilitates receiving appointment data for patient records but not sending reminders out for certain locations.
Contact Rhinogram Success to avail of this capability.