Ability to enable/disable select appointment types
Ability to customize Appt reminders by type
Ability to view or filter Appointment Manager by type
Configure outgoing channels for Appointment Reminders
Sending Appointment Reminders to Connected Parties
@Mentions - Ability to close for multiple members or a department
Secure Rhinogram to Rhinogram communication
Welcome to Rhinogram email expiration message
RhinoVideo - Call Status Indicator
Modernizing Medicine partnership
Appointment Types
*This section does not apply to any topsOrtho customers*.
Rhinogram now supports Appointment types for all integrated customers!
A few key things to note:
Although all integrated customers can take advantage of this new feature, nothing will change with your existing Appointment reminder configuration upon upgrade.
The new Appointment Data page, located within Settings, will be visible to ANY member with an ADMIN role and where Appointment Reminders have been enabled for a given organization.
If your organization is not using Rhinogram for Appointment Reminders, the new Appointment Data page will not be in your Settings list.
Let’s walk through step by step on how to customize your Appointment reminders by appointment type.
Step 1:
Review the list of appointment types within Rhinogram and choose which types you wish to send reminders for and which you want to turn off.
Also, rename certain appointment types, when necessary, to ensure patients understand what type of appointment they have with your organization.
Let’s take a closer look at how to complete this step:
First, Select the Settings icon (lower left corner) and then Select Appointment Data.
Note: This new page will display a list of Appointment types that were received from your PMS (practice management system).
There are 3 columns:
Type Name: this displays the appt. type name as it was received from your PMS.
Alias: this allows the member to to rename the Appointment type within Rhinogram.
By default the Type Name and Alias will match.
Include (toggle): If there are certain appointment types you do not want to send appointment reminders for, simply toggle those off. (All will be enabled by default)
Note: You’ll learn below that you can now include the appointment type name in the actual reminder message sent to your patient. If you want to include the appt. Type in those reminders, the alias column allows you to rename the appt. type to something that is patient friendly.
Step 2:
ConfigureAppointment reminders by type (Yes, that’s right - you can now customize the message your patient receives per appointment type!)
Note: Each integrated org that is currently using Rhinogram for appointment reminders will have a Default campaign already configured that matches exactly what was previously configured. All appointment types will be included in the default Appointment reminder message initially, unless certain types have been disabled in Step 1.
The Default campaign allows the member to customize the reminder message content for one or more appointment types.
The Default reminder message will also be used if any appointments are received that do not contain an appointment type.
To edit your default appointment reminder message, select the default campaign from the list.
Select the Edit Message button to open the edit page.
From within the Edit page, a member can:
Rename the Appointment Reminder campaign
Choose whether this campaign should be used for any appointments received from your PMS that may NOT include an appointment type. (Selecting the Default Message checkbox can only be selected for 1 Appointment reminder campaign)
3. Choose which appointment types this reminder campaign will apply too. The member may select one or multiple types from the types list.
Choose whether this specific appointment reminder campaign should send Appt. Created messages. If yes, toggle on. If no, keep the toggle off.
If the Appt. created message is enabled, customize the message the patient should receive.
Note: 2 new variables can be used. Office Name will include the name of the location where the appointment is scheduled. Type will include the Alias name for the appt. Type associated to the specific appointment.
Choose whether this specific appointment reminder campaign should send Appt. Reminder messages. If yes, toggle on. If no, keep the toggle off.
If the Appt. reminder message is enabled, customize the message the patient should receive.
Use the variables as needed
Save changes.
To add a new appointment reminder campaign, click the + sign.
Give the appointment reminder campaign a name.
Select the appointment types that you wish to include in the new reminder campaign.
Note: The types list will display whether specific types have already been selected in a different campaign and what campaign they are included in.. Remember each type can ONLY be applied to a SINGLE reminder campaign. This means Selecting an appt. Type that has already been applied to a different campaign will uncheck it from the previous campaign and add it to the new campaign.
Choose whether this campaign should send an appointment created message, appointment reminder message or both and customize the message as needed.
For reminder messages, Choose how many hours before the appointment you wish to send the reminder and remember to Save when complete.
The new appointment campaign will display in the list of active campaigns.
Appointment Manager: New Appt. Type column and the ability to filter the manager by appt. Type
*This section does not apply to any topsOrtho customers*.
A new Type column is now visible in Appointment Manager. This will identify the appointment type associated with a specific appointment.
In addition, a new Types filter has been added to the list of available filters.
Selecting the Types dropdown will allow the member to filter the appointment manager by one or more specific appointment types.
Use Case: This can be useful when attempting to send a Rhinoblast message to New Patients to remind them to complete their paperwork before their scheduled visit.
Configure Outgoing channels for Appointment Reminders
*This section does not apply to any topsOrtho customers*.
Why is configuring the outgoing channel important?
This configuration allows your organization to decide which phone number, in the event you have multiple configured within Rhinogram, should be used for the outgoing text messages to the patient based on the location of the appointment.
Select the drop down to choose which phone number should be used for each office listed.
Sending Appointment Reminders or Rhinoblast messages to Connected Parties
*This section does not apply to any topsOrtho customers*.
If your organization does not add phone numbers to minor patient records, this enhancement is just for you!
This new option, when enabled, will send appointment created messages, appt. Reminders, or any rhinoblast messages to all connected parties associated with a given patient when the patient has no phone numbers associated to their contact record.
Let’s take a scenario to be sure you understand:
Mom has 2 children in treatment.
Mom’s phone number has only been associated to her patient/responsible party record within your PMS.
Mom’s number has NOT been added to either of the children who are actively in treatment.
Child 1 has an upcoming appointment.
Previously, Rhinogram would ONLY send appt. Reminders to all phone numbers associated to the patient with the appointment (so in our use case, we would look to see what phone numbers are tied to Child 1 and if no phone numbers were associated, then no reminders are sent).
With this new change, if we don’t find any phone numbers associated with the patient with the appointment, we will then look for all connected parties associated to the patient and send a reminder to all numbers associated to all connected parties.
This rule is also true when sending Rhinoblast messages. The patient in the blast message may not have any numbers associated with their contact record, but if they have connected parties associated and those CP records have phone numbers, the blast message will be sent to all the connected parties.
Note: If a number is duplicated between connected parties, don’t worry - we will not send it multiple times.
The message content will display on the actual contact’s thread where the message was sent. In addition, an indicator will show on the patient’s thread so a member will know that the message was sent to a connected party instead.
@Mentions: Ability to close for multiple members or a group
To utilize this new feature, please contact customer support. For topsOrtho customers, please reach out to tops Support and request this feature be enabled for your organization.
When enabled, if multiple members or a specific group is @mentioned within patient or team chat, a new option to “Close for All” will be available within the Action dropdown.
This will close the selected @mention for the logged in member and for all other members or the group that was mentioned and remove it from all members @mentions list.
Use Case: Front desk @mentions the Clinical group about a picture that recently came in from a patient. They want to know if they should schedule an appointment or what clinical advice should be given to the patient.
Clinical member A sees the @mention and responds by @mentioning the front desk and answering the question.
Since Clinical member A handled the question, they want to close the task for themselves and all other clinical team members that received the task.
Secure Rhinogram to Rhinogram Communication
Do you know other practices that use Rhinogram? Do you want to communicate with that practice about a patient or share information between your organizations?
If you answered yes, then this feature is made just for you!
To use this feature, contact our Rhinogram Support team. They can assist you with setting up an org to org channel between your practice and another organization that uses Rhinogram.
Doing so, allows you to talk securely with the other organization without the attachment and file size limitations of using normal SMS or MMS messaging.
Using this Org to Org communication channel, each practice can exchange documents up to 5MB in size.
Welcome to Rhinogram email expiration message
When a new team member is added to Rhinogram, they are sent a Welcome email which allows them to set up a password.
This welcome email will be set to expire within 24 hours.
Should the new team member attempt to select the Let’s get Started link to set a password after 24 hrs, the member will receive a message stating the link has expired.
The member should then select the Forgot Password option on the login page to have a new link sent to their email on file.
RhinoVideo - Call Status Indicator
Icons will now display in the blue navigation pane to indicate when a host is on a RhinoVideo call.
The Video icon will change based on the status of the video call.
Statuses include:
"Waiting” - Icon will display yellow/orange and read Waiting when the host has started a video call, but the participants have not yet joined.
“Connected” - Icon will display green and read Connected after participants have connected to the call.
Clicking on the icon at any point will take the member to the conversation thread with the video dialog in focus.
Modernizing Medicine partnership
Rhinogram is pleased to announce our latest EMR partnership with Modernizing Medicine.
This new partnership allows organizations that use ModMed as their EMR to fully integrate with Rhinogram and exchange patient, responsible party and appointment data.
Mandy Hancock
Welcome to Rhinogram v3.6.1!
Table of Contents
Appointment Types
Ability to enable/disable select appointment types
Ability to customize Appt reminders by type
Ability to view or filter Appointment Manager by type
Configure outgoing channels for Appointment Reminders
Sending Appointment Reminders to Connected Parties
@Mentions - Ability to close for multiple members or a department
Secure Rhinogram to Rhinogram communication
Welcome to Rhinogram email expiration message
RhinoVideo - Call Status Indicator
Modernizing Medicine partnership
Appointment Types
*This section does not apply to any topsOrtho customers*.
Rhinogram now supports Appointment types for all integrated customers!
A few key things to note:
Although all integrated customers can take advantage of this new feature, nothing will change with your existing Appointment reminder configuration upon upgrade.
The new Appointment Data page, located within Settings, will be visible to ANY member with an ADMIN role and where Appointment Reminders have been enabled for a given organization.
If your organization is not using Rhinogram for Appointment Reminders, the new Appointment Data page will not be in your Settings list.
Let’s walk through step by step on how to customize your Appointment reminders by appointment type.
Step 1:
Review the list of appointment types within Rhinogram and choose which types you wish to send reminders for and which you want to turn off.
Also, rename certain appointment types, when necessary, to ensure patients understand what type of appointment they have with your organization.
Let’s take a closer look at how to complete this step:
First, Select the Settings icon (lower left corner) and then Select Appointment Data.
Note: This new page will display a list of Appointment types that were received from your PMS (practice management system).
There are 3 columns:
Type Name: this displays the appt. type name as it was received from your PMS.
Alias: this allows the member to to rename the Appointment type within Rhinogram.
By default the Type Name and Alias will match.
Include (toggle): If there are certain appointment types you do not want to send appointment reminders for, simply toggle those off. (All will be enabled by default)
Note: You’ll learn below that you can now include the appointment type name in the actual reminder message sent to your patient. If you want to include the appt. Type in those reminders, the alias column allows you to rename the appt. type to something that is patient friendly.
Step 2:
ConfigureAppointment reminders by type (Yes, that’s right - you can now customize the message your patient receives per appointment type!)
Note: Each integrated org that is currently using Rhinogram for appointment reminders will have a Default campaign already configured that matches exactly what was previously configured. All appointment types will be included in the default Appointment reminder message initially, unless certain types have been disabled in Step 1.
The Default campaign allows the member to customize the reminder message content for one or more appointment types.
The Default reminder message will also be used if any appointments are received that do not contain an appointment type.
To edit your default appointment reminder message, select the default campaign from the list.
Select the Edit Message button to open the edit page.
From within the Edit page, a member can:
Rename the Appointment Reminder campaign
Choose whether this campaign should be used for any appointments received from your PMS that may NOT include an appointment type. (Selecting the Default Message checkbox can only be selected for 1 Appointment reminder campaign)
3. Choose which appointment types this reminder campaign will apply too. The member may select one or multiple types from the types list.
Choose whether this specific appointment reminder campaign should send Appt. Created messages. If yes, toggle on. If no, keep the toggle off.
If the Appt. created message is enabled, customize the message the patient should receive.
Note: 2 new variables can be used. Office Name will include the name of the location where the appointment is scheduled. Type will include the Alias name for the appt. Type associated to the specific appointment.
Choose whether this specific appointment reminder campaign should send Appt. Reminder messages. If yes, toggle on. If no, keep the toggle off.
If the Appt. reminder message is enabled, customize the message the patient should receive.
Use the variables as needed
Save changes.
To add a new appointment reminder campaign, click the + sign.
Give the appointment reminder campaign a name.
Select the appointment types that you wish to include in the new reminder campaign.
Note: The types list will display whether specific types have already been selected in a different campaign and what campaign they are included in.. Remember each type can ONLY be applied to a SINGLE reminder campaign. This means Selecting an appt. Type that has already been applied to a different campaign will uncheck it from the previous campaign and add it to the new campaign.
Choose whether this campaign should send an appointment created message, appointment reminder message or both and customize the message as needed.
For reminder messages, Choose how many hours before the appointment you wish to send the reminder and remember to Save when complete.
The new appointment campaign will display in the list of active campaigns.
Appointment Manager: New Appt. Type column and the ability to filter the manager by appt. Type
*This section does not apply to any topsOrtho customers*.
A new Type column is now visible in Appointment Manager. This will identify the appointment type associated with a specific appointment.
In addition, a new Types filter has been added to the list of available filters.
Selecting the Types dropdown will allow the member to filter the appointment manager by one or more specific appointment types.
Use Case: This can be useful when attempting to send a Rhinoblast message to New Patients to remind them to complete their paperwork before their scheduled visit.
Configure Outgoing channels for Appointment Reminders
*This section does not apply to any topsOrtho customers*.
Why is configuring the outgoing channel important?
This configuration allows your organization to decide which phone number, in the event you have multiple configured within Rhinogram, should be used for the outgoing text messages to the patient based on the location of the appointment.
Select the drop down to choose which phone number should be used for each office listed.
Sending Appointment Reminders or Rhinoblast messages to Connected Parties
*This section does not apply to any topsOrtho customers*.
If your organization does not add phone numbers to minor patient records, this enhancement is just for you!
This new option, when enabled, will send appointment created messages, appt. Reminders, or any rhinoblast messages to all connected parties associated with a given patient when the patient has no phone numbers associated to their contact record.
Let’s take a scenario to be sure you understand:
Mom has 2 children in treatment.
Mom’s phone number has only been associated to her patient/responsible party record within your PMS.
Mom’s number has NOT been added to either of the children who are actively in treatment.
Child 1 has an upcoming appointment.
Previously, Rhinogram would ONLY send appt. Reminders to all phone numbers associated to the patient with the appointment (so in our use case, we would look to see what phone numbers are tied to Child 1 and if no phone numbers were associated, then no reminders are sent).
With this new change, if we don’t find any phone numbers associated with the patient with the appointment, we will then look for all connected parties associated to the patient and send a reminder to all numbers associated to all connected parties.
This rule is also true when sending Rhinoblast messages. The patient in the blast message may not have any numbers associated with their contact record, but if they have connected parties associated and those CP records have phone numbers, the blast message will be sent to all the connected parties.
Note: If a number is duplicated between connected parties, don’t worry - we will not send it multiple times.
The message content will display on the actual contact’s thread where the message was sent. In addition, an indicator will show on the patient’s thread so a member will know that the message was sent to a connected party instead.
@Mentions: Ability to close for multiple members or a group
To utilize this new feature, please contact customer support. For topsOrtho customers, please reach out to tops Support and request this feature be enabled for your organization.
When enabled, if multiple members or a specific group is @mentioned within patient or team chat, a new option to “Close for All” will be available within the Action dropdown.
This will close the selected @mention for the logged in member and for all other members or the group that was mentioned and remove it from all members @mentions list.
Use Case: Front desk @mentions the Clinical group about a picture that recently came in from a patient. They want to know if they should schedule an appointment or what clinical advice should be given to the patient.
Clinical member A sees the @mention and responds by @mentioning the front desk and answering the question.
Since Clinical member A handled the question, they want to close the task for themselves and all other clinical team members that received the task.
Secure Rhinogram to Rhinogram Communication
Do you know other practices that use Rhinogram? Do you want to communicate with that practice about a patient or share information between your organizations?
If you answered yes, then this feature is made just for you!
To use this feature, contact our Rhinogram Support team. They can assist you with setting up an org to org channel between your practice and another organization that uses Rhinogram.
Doing so, allows you to talk securely with the other organization without the attachment and file size limitations of using normal SMS or MMS messaging.
Using this Org to Org communication channel, each practice can exchange documents up to 5MB in size.
Welcome to Rhinogram email expiration message
When a new team member is added to Rhinogram, they are sent a Welcome email which allows them to set up a password.
This welcome email will be set to expire within 24 hours.
Should the new team member attempt to select the Let’s get Started link to set a password after 24 hrs, the member will receive a message stating the link has expired.
The member should then select the Forgot Password option on the login page to have a new link sent to their email on file.
RhinoVideo - Call Status Indicator
Icons will now display in the blue navigation pane to indicate when a host is on a RhinoVideo call.
The Video icon will change based on the status of the video call.
Statuses include:
"Waiting” - Icon will display yellow/orange and read Waiting when the host has started a video call, but the participants have not yet joined.

“Connected” - Icon will display green and read Connected after participants have connected to the call.
Clicking on the icon at any point will take the member to the conversation thread with the video dialog in focus.
Modernizing Medicine partnership
Rhinogram is pleased to announce our latest EMR partnership with Modernizing Medicine.
This new partnership allows organizations that use ModMed as their EMR to fully integrate with Rhinogram and exchange patient, responsible party and appointment data.