Location Data on Appointment Manager and in Profile Summary
RhinoSecure Supporting Channel Availability Hours
Focus Integration Sync Time
Bug Fixes
Organization Library
What is an Organization Library? A central storage location for all templates and RhinoForms (Beta feature).
Why did we move Templates into the Library? We moved templates into the org library as part of our Rhinogram growth plan! It will become a central repository for all files, documents, forms, and artifacts within Rhinogram in future releases.
Important Updates:
Templates are no longer under Settings. They are now housed within the Library.
Selecting the Library option will open the new Library view allowing users to view Templates or RhinoForms.
Note: There are 2 tabs in the screenshot below, Templates and Forms. The Forms tab will not display until an organization has purchased this new feature. More information will come later after our beta process has concluded.
The template table layout has been updated to include a column for template type (contact, team, system). The column headers act as an action button allowing users to sort by Title, Body, Type, or Updated.
Note: The default sort order will be Favorites at the top sorted Alphabetically by Title. Non-Favorited templates will appear below the Favorites list and also sort Alphabetically by Title.
There is also a “File” column to indicate whether a template has a file or a RhinoForm associated with it.
Note: The paperclip icon represents a “file” attachment. The signing pen icon represents a “RhinoForm” attachment.
The filter icon allows members to filter the template list to either view all Templates or only view Favorited templates.
The dialog below has been modified to include both Templates and RhinoForms. This dialog will display when Enabling the “team message” option which indicates that variables or RhinoForms are not supported within team templates.
Contact Library: Copy Content
We’ve expanded the existing contact library to now support both saved content and completed forms (for those customers utilizing the RhinoForms functionality).
The library is unique to each contact, and will contain a tab for Saved Content and a tab for Completed Forms. Each document in the Contact Library will be able to be copied to a different contact’s library. (Great news!)
This feature will enable practices to message with responsible parties and/or guarantors about a child or patient’s care, save that part of the conversation and then copy the saved conversation over to the proper contact’s record.
This is also key for those integrated organizations where Rhinogram can push back clinical documents into their PMS. Copying the documentation to the right contact within Rhinogram will allow the document to be stored on the right patient’s record within the PMS.
Let’s take an example to be sure this feature is clear:
A member of the clinical team is texting with a mother about her child. After the conversation is complete, the clinical team member saves the conversation within Rhinogram and a copy of the conversation is stored in the mother’s content library. Members can now copy this conversation to the child’s record since the conversation is about the child. When possible, Rhinogram can also allow the conversation to be pushed back to the child’s record with the PMS since the child has a patient record, but the mother is just a responsible party.
To access the contact library, select the Library option within the Contact Summary Panel:
Only customers that have purchased RhinoForms will see the Forms option within the Library view. All customers will be able to view and access Saved content (conversations that have been saved as a PDF).
Once you select a saved document from the library, it will open the view displayed below. A new “copy to” button has been added.
Clicking the Copy To button opens up a modal with two options: Send to EHR/PMS for that contact (if integrated) OR copy the document to another contact within the Rhinogram account
Connected parties will display here by default. If there are no connected parties, none will display.
Once a contact is selected, the Copy Now button will enable.
Note: Anyone with edit contact permissions can see the Copy To button within the PDF details to view a document to copy to another contact’s library.
Copied documents will remain in the original contact’s library and appear in the new contact’s contact library.
Original Contact Details:
Details of the copy action will display under the Copy Document header and show the following details:
Copied to [ New contact] by [ Member] on [ Date].
The New Contact’s name will be hyperlinked, and selecting the name sends the member to that contact’s library.
Note: If the same content was copied multiple times to the same contact, we will create different rows for it under the Copy Document activity. Rhinogram will display 6 rows within the Copy Document section by default. If more than 6 “copies” have taken place, a View All option will appear allowing the member to expand to see more information.
A thread event will display displaying the following details:
File [ Name] was copied to [ New Contact] by [ Member] on [ Date]
New contact’s library
Details of the copy action will display under the Copy Document header and show the following details:
Copied from [original contact] by [ Member] on [ Date]
The Original Contact’s name should be hyperlinked, and selecting the name sends the member to that contact’s library.
A thread event will display displaying the following details:
File [ Name] was copied from [ Original Contact] by [ Member] on [ Date].
Note: All document actions should remain the same on both the original and new contact’s library-- i.e. members can still download, copy URL, send to EHR if the organization is integrated and the contact is an integrated patient.
All copy content event shows in the Audit Log.
Other Enhancements
Location Data now visible within the Rhinogram Appointment Manager and within the contact’s profile summary! (Thank you to all the customers that requested this feature!)
Note: This feature is ONLY available for integrated organizations where Rhinogram has mapped the locations from your PMS to the Rhinogram office locations. If you are an integrated organization and do not see location information within the Appointment manager, contact Customer Success for assistance.
The Appointment Manager now includes a new column to display the location of the appointment as well as a new Filter drop down that allows members to filter by the location.
The filter drop down will display all locations (office names) and allow the organization to multi-select locations, which will filter the list of appointments to display only those for the selected location(s) only.
We have also consolidated the Appointment Created Message and the Appointment Reminder Message status into one column, and introduced an icon for each message (see screenshot below). Color coding for the statuses are as follows:
Sent - green
Not sent - grey
Failed - red
RhinoSecure Supporting Channel Availability Hours
If you are an organization that utilizes RhinoSecure, you can now set Channel Availability hours for the RhinoSecure channel.
Focus Ortho customers - This one's for you!
Rhinogram will now sync with Focus Ortho every 15 minutes.
@mentions was not activating the send button within Patient messages if any groups within the Rhinogram account included special characters or emojis.
This has been corrected. Now emojis and most common special characters are supported.
Some organizations reported that when patients were responding with CANCEL to cancel their appointment, it was opting that patient out from text messaging.
This has been corrected. The word CANCEL has been removed as an OPT OUT word.
Elizabeth Pickel
Welcome to Rhinogram v3.6.0!
Table of Contents
Organization Library
Content Library: Copy Content
Other Enhancements:
Location Data on Appointment Manager and in Profile Summary
RhinoSecure Supporting Channel Availability Hours
Focus Integration Sync Time
Bug Fixes
Organization Library
What is an Organization Library? A central storage location for all templates and RhinoForms (Beta feature).
Why did we move Templates into the Library? We moved templates into the org library as part of our Rhinogram growth plan! It will become a central repository for all files, documents, forms, and artifacts within Rhinogram in future releases.
Important Updates:
Templates are no longer under Settings. They are now housed within the Library.
Selecting the Library option will open the new Library view allowing users to view Templates or RhinoForms.
Note: There are 2 tabs in the screenshot below, Templates and Forms. The Forms tab will not display until an organization has purchased this new feature. More information will come later after our beta process has concluded.
The template table layout has been updated to include a column for template type (contact, team, system). The column headers act as an action button allowing users to sort by Title, Body, Type, or Updated.
Note: The default sort order will be Favorites at the top sorted Alphabetically by Title. Non-Favorited templates will appear below the Favorites list and also sort Alphabetically by Title.
There is also a “File” column to indicate whether a template has a file or a RhinoForm associated with it.
Note: The paperclip icon represents a “file” attachment. The signing pen icon represents a “RhinoForm” attachment.
The filter icon allows members to filter the template list to either view all Templates or only view Favorited templates.
The dialog below has been modified to include both Templates and RhinoForms. This dialog will display when Enabling the “team message” option which indicates that variables or RhinoForms are not supported within team templates.
Contact Library: Copy Content
We’ve expanded the existing contact library to now support both saved content and completed forms (for those customers utilizing the RhinoForms functionality).
The library is unique to each contact, and will contain a tab for Saved Content and a tab for Completed Forms. Each document in the Contact Library will be able to be copied to a different contact’s library. (Great news!)
This feature will enable practices to message with responsible parties and/or guarantors about a child or patient’s care, save that part of the conversation and then copy the saved conversation over to the proper contact’s record.
This is also key for those integrated organizations where Rhinogram can push back clinical documents into their PMS. Copying the documentation to the right contact within Rhinogram will allow the document to be stored on the right patient’s record within the PMS.
Let’s take an example to be sure this feature is clear:
A member of the clinical team is texting with a mother about her child. After the conversation is complete, the clinical team member saves the conversation within Rhinogram and a copy of the conversation is stored in the mother’s content library. Members can now copy this conversation to the child’s record since the conversation is about the child. When possible, Rhinogram can also allow the conversation to be pushed back to the child’s record with the PMS since the child has a patient record, but the mother is just a responsible party.
To access the contact library, select the Library option within the Contact Summary Panel:
Only customers that have purchased RhinoForms will see the Forms option within the Library view. All customers will be able to view and access Saved content (conversations that have been saved as a PDF).
Once you select a saved document from the library, it will open the view displayed below. A new “copy to” button has been added.
Clicking the Copy To button opens up a modal with two options: Send to EHR/PMS for that contact (if integrated) OR copy the document to another contact within the Rhinogram account
Connected parties will display here by default. If there are no connected parties, none will display.
Once a contact is selected, the Copy Now button will enable.
Note: Anyone with edit contact permissions can see the Copy To button within the PDF details to view a document to copy to another contact’s library.
Copied documents will remain in the original contact’s library and appear in the new contact’s contact library.
Original Contact Details:
Details of the copy action will display under the Copy Document header and show the following details:
Copied to [ New contact] by [ Member] on [ Date].
The New Contact’s name will be hyperlinked, and selecting the name sends the member to that contact’s library.
Note: If the same content was copied multiple times to the same contact, we will create different rows for it under the Copy Document activity. Rhinogram will display 6 rows within the Copy Document section by default. If more than 6 “copies” have taken place, a View All option will appear allowing the member to expand to see more information.
A thread event will display displaying the following details:
File [ Name] was copied to [ New Contact] by [ Member] on [ Date]
New contact’s library
Details of the copy action will display under the Copy Document header and show the following details:
Copied from [original contact] by [ Member] on [ Date]
The Original Contact’s name should be hyperlinked, and selecting the name sends the member to that contact’s library.
A thread event will display displaying the following details:
File [ Name] was copied from [ Original Contact] by [ Member] on [ Date].
Note: All document actions should remain the same on both the original and new contact’s library-- i.e. members can still download, copy URL, send to EHR if the organization is integrated and the contact is an integrated patient.
All copy content event shows in the Audit Log.
Other Enhancements
Location Data now visible within the Rhinogram Appointment Manager and within the contact’s profile summary! (Thank you to all the customers that requested this feature!)
Note: This feature is ONLY available for integrated organizations where Rhinogram has mapped the locations from your PMS to the Rhinogram office locations. If you are an integrated organization and do not see location information within the Appointment manager, contact Customer Success for assistance.
The Appointment Manager now includes a new column to display the location of the appointment as well as a new Filter drop down that allows members to filter by the location.
The filter drop down will display all locations (office names) and allow the organization to multi-select locations, which will filter the list of appointments to display only those for the selected location(s) only.
We have also consolidated the Appointment Created Message and the Appointment Reminder Message status into one column, and introduced an icon for each message (see screenshot below). Color coding for the statuses are as follows:
Sent - green
Not sent - grey
Failed - red
RhinoSecure Supporting Channel Availability Hours
If you are an organization that utilizes RhinoSecure, you can now set Channel Availability hours for the RhinoSecure channel.
Focus Ortho customers - This one's for you!
Rhinogram will now sync with Focus Ortho every 15 minutes.
@mentions was not activating the send button within Patient messages if any groups within the Rhinogram account included special characters or emojis.
Some organizations reported that when patients were responding with CANCEL to cancel their appointment, it was opting that patient out from text messaging.