Modified on: Fri, 20 Oct, 2023 at 11:15 AM
What is the Audit log?
Rhinogram’s audit log is HIPAA compliant and will allow a Member to view audit data when desired. The Audit Log allows administrators to detect and analyze breaches in user and application behavior, intentional or accidental, and will help keep an organization in compliance with privacy/security regulations.
How do I access the Audit Log?
Depending on the Member's Role, the HIPAA Audit Log is listed in the Analytics Dashboard.

Can the log be exported or downloaded?
Upon request, Rhinogram can export audit logs and provide them to the customer in an appropriate format. Also, allowing the customer to perform these exports is on Rhinogram's product roadmap and will be available in a future version.
What does the audit log record display?
An organization's audit data will be displayed in chart form with multiple filtering options and columns broken down into when, who, where and what. Each filter or category represents:
1. Date-Time: Displays the date and time a member edited, added or deleted data to trigger the event in the audit table.
2. Member: The Member’s First and Last name that completed the action
3. Contact: The Last and First Name of the contact within Rhinogram
4. Category: The event category will organize the audit log so the main entry shows what type of data it impacts.
These Categories Include:
Conversation Actions (i.e. Mark as Read/Unread, Follow/Unfollow, Assign to me, etc)
Template Actions (i.e. Favorite)
5. Action
Actions include view, add, edit, delete, download, and merge.
View: Only for PHI data that includes viewing patient health data (name, DOB, phone, email, etc)
This includes just searching for contacts or scrolling the contacts list since PHI is viewed (patient name and DOB) and therefore an entry will show in the audit log.
Add: Anytime something new is added and saved
Will show changes to the item
Will display the before and after
Delete: Will show items deleted or deactivated within Rhinogram
Download: Downloading saved content from a contact's library
Merge: Merging an unknown contact with a Patient or Other contact type
How to apply filters:
Applying filters to the audit log data makes it easier to find information. Multiple filter criteria may be selected at one time. At the top of the audit log screen, there are 5 filter categories.
1. Adjust date range as needed. By default it will display the last 30 days.
2. Select the desired filter from each drop down list (Member, Contact, Category, and/or Action)

How to sort the data within the Audit Log:
A Member can sort the Audit Log columns by selecting the arrows to the right of the column headers. This will sort the entire log, not just the current page loaded. The ascending or descending arrow next to the column header will be highlighted to easily indicate how the log is being sorted.

How will the data originally appear to a Member?
By default, audit entries for the last 30 days will appear when a Member initially loads the Audit Log. The data will appear in descending chronological order (most recent at the top) and will display 20 rows of data at a time. If more than 20 entries are found, multiple pages will be available and the user can use the arrows found at the top right or bottom right of the audit log table to navigate to other pages.
How do to clear the filters:
Members have two options for clearing filters.
Select "Clear All," and all the filters selected will be cleared and go back to the default state (showing the last 30 days of data).

Within each filter, there is a specific 'Clear All' feature that allows the user to clear just the selected filter. For example, if a Member has applied a filter to locate a particular contact, and wants to only clear that contact name (while keeping the custom date range) the Member would use 'Clear All'.

How can a Member view further details on each data point?
Additional details can be found on each action record in Rhinogram. A Member can select 'Expand All' for the entire list to expand with details.

Individual details can be expanded by selecting 'Details' for a data point. The details column is located on the far right hand side of the table.
For View entries, the audit will show information pertaining to the contact record that was viewed

For Edit entries, the audit will show the before and after record to highlight the changes

For Add or Delete entries, the audit will show what data was deleted or added

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