Organization Preferences is located in Settings->Preferences. These preferences impact the entire organizational and include Secure Notifications, Global Sounds, Organization Timeout, Closing Conversations Options, Conversation Assignments, and Message Translation.
Secure Notifications
The Rhinogram Secure Channel allows Members to send messages to Contacts that are encrypted end to end. By sending a RhinoSecure message to a Contact, a Member is sending a patient a text message with a link to the Rhinogram Application. In the Secure Notification area, a Rhinogram Administrator will decide which channels will be used to send this notification.
Outgoing Channel (for integrated organizations with Appointment Reminders)
This configuration allows an organization to decide which phone number, in the event an organization has multiple configured within Rhinogram, to use for the outgoing text messages to the patient based on the location of the appointment.
Select the drop down to choose which phone number should be used for each office listed.
Note that selecting a default channel is mandatory to ensure reminders go out if an office isn't associated with a channel.
Global Sounds
If this preference is toggled on, it will play an audible sound for an organization. By default, this is set to off. To enable a sound to play on a device when a message is sent or received in Rhinogram, simply toggle to Enable Sounds.
Organization Administrators have the option to adjust the automatic session timeout at the organization level. By default, the amount of time a member can be inactive on the Rhinogram screen before being logged out is 30 minutes. Adjust that time by indicating an organization's preference in this section.
Organizations can choose a timeout period from 5 minutes to 1440 (60 minutes x 24 hours) minutes. The time period must be entered in minutes.
Appointment Reminder Message Settings (for integrated organizations with Appointment Reminders)
When an appointment is created or rescheduled after any appointment reminder messages are scheduled to send:
- Send Only Appointment Created Message, No Appointment Reminder Messages
- Send All, Appointment Created Message, and All Appointment Reminder Messages (DEFAULT)
Example: An organization has an Appointment Reminder Campaign set up to send the Appointment Created Message, and Appointment Reminders at 72 hours and 24 hours.. If an appointment is booked less than 72 hours ahead of the appointment date, only the Appointment Created Message will be sent if the Send Only Appointment Created Message option is selected.
Note: If the Send Only Appointment Created Message option is selected, and an appointment reminder campaign does not have the Appointment Created Message enabled, no message at all will go out for an appointment created or rescheduled after the appointment reminders are scheduled to send.
Closing Conversation Options
When a member has completed working with a message assigned to them, they are by default, able to click on the conversation menu and choose Assignment Complete. Toggle this setting ON if an organization would like the 'Assignment Complete' action to close the converstation. If an organization does not toggle this setting on, performing this action will create a thread event on the conversation indicating that the assignment was complete and by whom. It will also send the entire conversation back to the message’s default route. After the conversation has returned to the default route, any Member with access to that Group can view and Close that conversation.
The Closing Conversation Option allows a Member to change that behavior. It permits an Assignee the ability close a conversation entirely once they have completed their assignment without returning it to the original destination.
Conversation Assignments
The “Conversation Assignment” option allows for conversations that are initiated from a group to be automatically assigned to that group, if enabled. When this option is enabled, Rhinogram will no longer display the outbound message in the list view of the default route for the channel. .Instead, the conversation will be automatically assigned to the group, thus saving time for the organization.
How to Enable:
Organization Preferences -> Messaging Options-> Conversations Assignment. By default this is toggled off in all organizations.
Enabling Converstation Assignment allows any conversation that is started from a given Group to be automatically assigned to that Group. Toggle this setting ON to automate message assignments.
How to Use: A member can start the conversation from a group and the conversation will automatically be assigned to that group. This feature is helpful for larger organizations with multiple office locations. Rather than a Member initiating a conversation and assigning it to the appropriate group, the Member selects the Group it should be assigned to, and then searches for the Patient using the green + sign. The conversation will automatically be assigned to this Group. The converstation will stay in this Group until it is closed or assigned elsewhere.
Note: If a Member selects a Group then use the Global Search, the Conversation Assignment will NOT automatically assign to the selected Group. The green + sign must be used.
Workflow Examples when Conversation Assignment is toggled ON:
1. Patient sent a message, and the message came to the Front Desk. This is the default route, and a member from Billing sends out a message to this patient using a channel routed to Front Desk → the thread will get assigned to Billing and will be removed from Front Desk
2. Patient sent a message, and the message came to the Front Desk. This is the default route, and a member from Billing sends out a message to this patient using a channel routed to Billing → no assignment will take place; two separate threads of the patient will be in Front Desk and Billing
3. Patient sent a message, and the message came to the Front Desk. This is the default route, and a member initiates a conversation with the patient from Direct inbox using Front Desk channel → the thread will move to ‘Assigned to Me’ inbox and will be removed from Front Desk
4. When ‘Close By Assignee' is off, the default route of the thread is Front Desk and the thread is currently assigned to Billing, a member from Front Desk initiates a conversation with the patient from Front Desk → the conversation will get marked as complete, it will move to Front Desk and will be removed from Billing
5. When ‘Close By Assignee' is on, the default route of the thread is Front Desk and the thread is currently assigned to Billing, a member from Group 1 initiates a conversation with the patient from Front Desk → the conversation will get marked as complete, it will move to Front Desk and will be removed from Billing
Conversation Filtering
Organizations can choose how they wish their patients' conversation history to be filtered.
- Default Setting- Toggled off, the conversation thread will only display conversation sent from the current channels for that group
- Toggled On, the conversation thread will display messages sent to that patient from all channels.
Message Translation
Rhinogram has simplified communication by having the ability to translate incoming messages and compose outgoing messages in their native languages. Visit Message Translation for additional information.