What is Appointment Manager?
The Appointment Manager is a way to view a list of appointments and their statuses within Rhinogram. Currently this feature is only available for organizations that are integrated with their Practice Management System (PMS) (i.e. Rhinogram is pulling appointment data from an organization's scheduling system).
How can a Member view the Appointment Manager?
Once appointment data has been successfully tested and validated by the Rhinogram Success team, a Member with the correct Roles can view the Appointment Manager page. By default any member with the Admin role can view this page. To access the Appointment Manager, go to the Settings and select Appointment Manager from the menu.
What data can I find in the Appointment Manager?
The Appointment Manager displays all upcoming appointments for a selected date range (default will display the next 7 days), the status of any created or reminder automated text message, the appointment status, the appointment location, the appointment type, and the contact name.
How to read the Appointment Manager:
Date: Current date and time of the appointment
Location: The location of the Appointment. This feature is only available for integrated organizations where Rhinogram has mapped the locations from an organizations' PMS to the Rhinogram office locations. If an integrated organization does not see location information within the Appointment Manager, Contact Rhinogram Support
Type: The type of appointment that was pulled from the PMS for an integrated organization. Visit Appointment Data to learn more about setting up customized messages per appointment type.
Provider: The provider that is assigned to each specific appointment will appear in this column.
- Communication:
The calendar icon indicates an Appointment Created Message
The clock icon indicates an Appointment Reminder Message
Both icons are color coded
'Sent' messages appear in green
'Not Sent' messages appear in grey
'Failed' message appear in red
Example: Patient One has an appointment called 'New Patient' on 01/01/2021 at 1:30pm ET at Office Location Practice XYZ Charleston, SC, with provider Eric Hannon. An Appointment Created Message was sent, the first Appointment Reminder Message was also sent, but the Additional Reminder Message was not sent. Two RhinoForms were attached to the Created Message, and they have both been completed, one RhinoForm was sent with the first Appointment Reminder Message that has not been completed, and no form was sent with the Additional Reminder Message. Learn more about Appointment Created and Reminder Messages.
New Feature Status: Current appointment statuses supported are Confirmed, Unconfirmed, or Cancelled. Cancelled will only be displayed if codified responses are used in the reminders, and the contact responds with a '2'. Learn more about codified responses.
PMS/EHR Status: These are the appointment statuses that are assigned in your PMS/EHR
RhinoForms: Status Options Are-
Completed (Green Dot with Check Mark) - displays when form has been completed by the contact. Option to view completed forms.
Expired (Red Dot with X) - displays when form has expired
Sent (Solid Green Dot) - displays when form has been sent as a part of this reminder campaign, but is not yet completed by the patient.
Not sent (Orange Dot with -) - If form is not yet sent.
Blank - If there is no form as a part of the appointment message
Contact: First and Last Name of the person with the Appointment
Will a Member be able to tell if there is an unread message in a contact's conversation thread?
If there is any unread message within a group for a contact with an upcoming appointment, there will be a light blue indicator to the left of the appointment time and date. This indicator follows the same rules as read/unread messages for a Group.
Unread: The message has not been read by the Member who is logged in, nor another Member in the practice.
How can a Member adjust the date range within the Appointment Manager?
The Appointment manager will default to the Next 7 Days. A Member has the option to select Today, Tomorrow, Next 30 Days or create a custom date range by selecting the Date Range box, and using the date picker to choose the preferred range.
How can a Member filter by Location in the Appointment Manager?
By default, the Appointment Manager will show all mapped locations. To filter, select the Location drop down, and select one, or multiple locations. Reminder, this feature is only available for integrated organizations where Rhinogram has mapped the locations from an organizations' PMS to the Rhinogram office locations.
How can a Member filter by Appointment Type in the Appointment Manager?
By default, the Appointment Manager will show all imported Appointment Type. To filter, select the Type drop down, and select one, or multiple types. Reminder, this feature is only available for integrated organizations.
How can a Member filter by Provider in the Appointment Manager?
By default, the Appointment Manager will show all imported Providers. To filter, select the Provider drop down, and select one, or multiple Providers. Reminder, this feature is only available for integrated organizations.
How can a Member filter by PMS/EHR Status in the Appointment Manager?
By default, the Appointment Manager will show all imported PMS/EHR Statuses. To filter, select the PMS/EHR Status drop down, and select one, or multiple Statuses. Reminder, this feature is only available for integrated organizations.
How does a Member know when the last time the Appointment Manager synced with the organization's PMS/EHR?
A Banner across the top of the page displays when the integrated data was last updated with the exact date and time.
Why can’t a Member access the Appointment Manager?
Access to the Appointment Manger is included in the Admin system role. Members without the Admin role by default will not see this option within Settings. An organization has the option to create a custom Role, for a member to access the Appointment Manager, when applicable.
Can a Member send out a RhinoBlast message from the Appointment Manager?
A Member can send broadcast messages to contacts from the Appointment Manager based on filter criteria or by individually checking names. For step by step instructions visit RhinoBlast & Saved Lists.
Can a Member view Past Appointments in the Appointment Manager?
A Member can view Past appointments by clicking Past Appointments at the top of the screen. The most recently past appointments will be at the top of the list. The same filters are available for past appointments as upcoming appointments. RhinoBlasts can also be sent from the past appointment list as well.