UPDATE 11/29/23 AT 4:10PM ET: A fix for the search bar performance issues is live. If you continue to experience issues with the search bar, please clear your cache and perform a hard refresh. Instructions here.
We have been made aware of a few performance issues our customers are currently experiencing. The engineers are working to fix these issues as quickly as possible.
If you are receiving the error message “unable to send, message will be removed” when trying to send a message, please click on the 2 arrows below the message bar and select the TO number before clicking send.
We will post an update here as soon as we have one. We sincerely apologize for this inconvenience, and we value your continued partnership.
Januari Paul
UPDATE 11/29/23 AT 4:10PM ET: A fix for the search bar performance issues is live. If you continue to experience issues with the search bar, please clear your cache and perform a hard refresh. Instructions here.
We have been made aware of a few performance issues our customers are currently experiencing. The engineers are working to fix these issues as quickly as possible.
If you are receiving the error message “unable to send, message will be removed” when trying to send a message, please click on the 2 arrows below the message bar and select the TO number before clicking send.
We will post an update here as soon as we have one. We sincerely apologize for this inconvenience, and we value your continued partnership.
-Rhinogram Success Team