To utilize RhinoVideo, the Rhinogram Customer Support team has to enable this feature. If RhinoVideo is not available, Contact Rhinogram Support to get started. 

What Members can initiate a RhinoVideo call?

Once RhinoVideo is enabled for an organization, members with the Admin system role will automatically have the RhinoVideo permission. If a Member needs access to RhinoVideo but does not need full Admin permissions, create a custom Role to add RhinoVideo to the Member's permissions. 

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Which types of contacts in Rhinogram can a Member start a RhinoVideo session with?
RhinoVideo is available for use on all 
Contact types: Patients, Others, and Unknown Contacts

However, the contact must be the owner of the phone number. Review Phone Ownership to find out more. 

Example of a RhinoVideo Workflow

1. If the converstation thread is not already open, a Member will search and select the contact they want to conduct a RhinoVideo session with. 

2. Select the "Meet Now" button to send a text to the contact inviting them to join the Member on a RhinoVideo session. Note: This will launch the RhinoVideo session for the HOST of the call in a separate tab while awaiting the contact/participant to join the call.

3. Once the participant joins the call, the Member will 'Unmute' the audio to talk to the participant and 'Share the Video' so the participants can "see" the Member talking. As the Host of the call, there is an option to 'Share Screen' with the participant, when applicable. 

4. The Member can @Mention the Doctor or another Member in the Contact's Note portion, and ask them to join the RhinoVideo call using the same link in the Contact's message thread. 

5. Once the RhinoVideo session is over, the Host can select 'End' to end the call. The Host will end the call for all participants.  

6. Send the contact a quick recap text to summarize the call. Be sure to outline any KEY information so they can refer back to the text when needed, and not rely on memory alone.

7. Use Rhinogram's Note feature to make any clinically relevant notes (documenting any clinically relevant information the contact shared or that your staff shared with the participants of the call). 

8. Use Rhinogram's Select and Save feature to select the invitation text, the Video event (outlining how long the call occurred), the recap text sent to the contact and the Rhinogram note. Save this "Content" with a relevant title for easy reference.

9. Use the download, copy link or automatic write back capabilities of Rhinogram to add this Virtual Visit note to the contact's chart (within your Electronic Health Record system).   

Common Questions from Super Users and Members

How does a Member start a RhinoVideo call?

1. To send a RhinoVideo invitation to the contact, open the conversation thread. RhinoVideo can be initiated from a desktop computer, tablet, or mobile device for both iOS or Android.

*Note:  The device must have a camera and microphone in order to utilize these components.
If the Member is initiating a RhinoVideo call from a mobile device, the Member has to be logged into the Rhinogram mobile application.  
If a Member attempts to start a RhinoVideo call from a mobile browser, the browser will display the message below:


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2. Select the 'Meet Now' button from the contact's conversation thread, located to the right of the contact’s name.  



Selecting this button will start the call on Rhinogram's side, and automatically send a text to the contact with a link for them to join the RhinoVideo session. By starting the RhinoVideo call, it opens up the video dialog indicating the organization is waiting for the other participants.

 Note: A Member can not meet with a contact that is already meeting with another Member.

3. The Member sending the invite and loading the video is considered the Host of the meeting. At this point the Member will be prompted, by the browser or device, to allow access to the microphone and camera. Once the Member authorized access, the Member will automatically be brought into the RhinoVideo session. Audio will be on by default, while Video will be off by default. These can easily be adjusted using the appropriate icons.


4. If the contact/participant hasn't joined the call yet, the Member will see a message stating: "We're waiting for other participants to arrive." The Member's live video will appear in the upper right hand corner of the dialog once enabled.


What does the contact receive when a Member selects Meet Now?

The contact will receive an automatically generated text message with a secure link to join the video call. The contact will then click the link from their text message and follow the device prompts. 

Does the contact have to download something to connect to RhinoVideo?

No, contacts do not need to download anything to use RhinoVideo. 

What steps, if any, does the contact have to do to connect?

The only requirement for the contact is to give RhinoVideo permission for audio and camera access from the device they are using to connect to the call (such as a mobile phone or desktop). 

 Patient view from iPhone 

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Once approved, they will be automatically brought into the RhinoVideo session. 

Can a Member access other areas of Rhinogram while they wait on the participants to join?

Yes, while a RhinoVideo call is launched, the Host has full access to navigate anywhere on their computer (answer other Rhinogram messages, check email, etc). 


How can the Host or contact add a third participant to the RhinoVideo call?

Copy and paste the secure RhinoVideo session link and share it with the 3rd RhinoVideo participant. This can be done using team chat if the 3rd person is another Member of the organization. Once joined, all 3 Members will be visible in the session. Remember, only one Member of an organization can be the host of a RhinoVideo session.


If a 4th person attempts to join the video call, they will be prompted with the below message:

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How will the Host know when the patient has joined the call?

The Host will know the patient has joined once the person icon appears on the screen.

  • The silhouette of a person is the placeholder when the patient’s video is turned off

  • The initials or profile picture is the placeholder when the team members video is turned off

  • Each participant's silhouette is unique


At this point both participants can communicate via the 'Mic' To enable video, each participant will need to allow access to their camera. They can do this by selecting the video icon and approving the prompt that appears on the screen.


How can the Host share their screen?

Only the host of a RhinoVideo session can share their screen when selecting the share icon shown below. The share screen feature is supported on all major desktop browsers: Edge, Chrome, Firefox, and Safari. This feature is not available on a mobile device. 

The experience for these different browsers varies and it is controlled by the host's browser:

  • Safari: Host can only share the entire screen. There is not a choice for certain tab or window.

  • Chrome/Edge: Host has the option to choose to share a tab, window, certain desktop or monitor. 

  • Firefox: Host has the option to choose to share a certain desktop or monitor, which will enable the Host to choose a tab within the browser.

Example from Chrome:

Can the Host pause screen share when needed?

Yes, the host can 'pause' screen sharing by selecting the 'Pause' icon.

This allows the host to hide their screen while they navigate to another tab that they may not want the participant to see. The host can then resume screen share once they are ready.


How does the Host resume sharing when the screen is paused?

Selecting the Resume Icon will share the Host's screen again.

How does the Host Stop sharing their screen?

Use the icon called Stop Share to stop the screen share, but remain on the RhinoVideo session with the participants.

Can the host transfer 'host ownership' during the RhinoVideo session?

Yes, however, Host can only be transferred to another Rhinogram staff member; not to the patient/contact.

To choose another Host, Select the Participants Icon:

From the Participants Panel, Select the 3 dots next to the other staff member and choose 'Make Host'

Once you choose another Host, you can leave the RhinoVideo session by selecting End. 

When you "end" the session as a participant, it only ends the RhinoVideo session for that participant. The other participants may continue with the call. 

How does the Host end a RhinoVideo call?

The only person who can end a video call is the host. If a participant leaves, the call is still in progress until the host ends it by clicking "End”. The host can also end a call by logging out of Rhinogram completely.


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Can the Host mute or remove a participant from the RhinoVideo session?

Yes, the host has the ability to mute or remove any participants from the RhinoVideo session. 

To do so, select the Participants icon 

To mute, select the Mic icon next to the correct participant. 

To remove a participant, use the 3 dots next to the participants name and select "Remove Participant"


How will a Member know if all of the video seats are taken?
If the maximum number of seats are in use and a Member attempts to start a RhinoVideo call, an alert will appear (see below). 


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If a RhinoVideo is In Progress, the Member will see the image below. A new RhinoVideo session cannot be initiated until another has ended, if only 1 seat was purchased. 

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There is no limit to the amount of seats for an organization. Contact the Rhinogram Success Team to inquire on more seats with RhinoVideo. 


Can a participant flip their camera to show the Host something?

Yes, on the participant's device, they can select to flip their camera which will use the participant's back camera versus their front facing (selfie) camera. From a mobile device, the participant will click the 'flip' button to turn the camera around. 

Can a participant come back to the video call after leaving?
Yes, as long as the host still has the meeting active. Once the host ends the meeting, the link will expire.

How does the video experience look with 3 participants?
Mobile Experience:
A picture containing person, indoor, person, person

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Desktop Experience:

  A group of people posing for the camera

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How will I know a RhinoVideo session took place with patient?

Rhinogram will document the duration of the session and display a new thread event on the contact’s conversation thread. The thread event will include the Member's name, the Contact's name, the timestamp the RhinoVideo session ended, and how long it lasted.  


What does the contact see when they leave a call?
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What does the contact see when the host ends the call?
A picture containing icon

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Can a patient or participant rejoin a call that the host has ended?
No, once a call has ended, that link that was generated will expire and if anyone tries to follow that link, they will be taken to a screen stating that it's expired.
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If the contact would like to jump back on a call, a new link will need to be sent. 


How does a Member use RhinoVideo on their mobile device?
Rhinogram's mobile experience for a Member is the same experience as using Rhinogram's desktop application. A Member can only initiate a RhinoVideo session from the mobile application (not the mobile browser).

Can a Member use RhinoVideo with another Member via Direct Team Message?
The “Meet Now” button is only available within a contact’s conversation thread. However, if a Member wanted to conference another Member, you could find their contact record (vs. their Member record) and start a meeting using their contact record.