What is the @Mentions Inbox?

Under My Tasks, every Member has an @Mentions inbox. A Member can view and manage a list of all the places that they have been mentioned. This makes it easy to find and take action on the @Mention messages effectively.

How to send at @Mentions message:

@Mentions can be utilized within Direct Team MessagesTeam Message Groups, or on an Internal Note of a Contact, and @Mention a Member or Group. 


How can a Member @Mention another Member or Group in a Contact's Note?

A Member can @Mention another an individual member of the organization, multiple members, and/or a Group within the organization. When directing an @Mention to an individual Member, it will match the same format as in Team Messaging i.e. Avatar, First and Last name, associated tags.

Sample menu when @mentioning a member or group:


How will a Member know if they are mentioned in a @Mentions comment?

When a Member is mentioned in more than one note within the same conversation thread, the number of times they are mentioned, will increase the badge count on the @Mentions that many times. 


Scenarios for @Mentions and Badge Counts: 

1. If a Member had a badge count of 1 next to their @Mentions Task, and a team Member mentions them once, and a Group they are a Member, the badge notification would now read 3. 


2. If a Member is mentioned multiple times within the same note, the badge count only increases the unread badge count by 1, and shows as one conversation in the list view. 


View from Patient's Note composition area: 

View from Member's @Mentions Task list: 



3. If a Member is mentioned in more than one note within the same conversation thread, the Member will have that many new unread badges,  and shows separately in the list view. 

View from Patient's Note composition area: 

View from Member's @Mentions Task list: 





What does a Member see when they click on the @Mentions task?

  • Contact’s avatar, name, and patient/other/unknown contact distinction

  • Name of team Member that mentioned them

  • A snippet of the internal note written with the Member

  • If an attachment is included in a note, an attachment icon is at the end of the snippet


When a Member selects an @Mentions, where does it take the Member in the Contacts thread?

Selecting an @Mentions message thread, takes the Member to the relevant thread and spot in the 

conversation where the @Mentions occurred.

Can a Member @Mentions themselves to create a task?

Yes, whenever a Member @Mentions themselves in a thread, the @Mentions will appear in the Member's @Mentions inbox. 

Note: If a Member utilizes @All, this will create a @Mentions for everyone in the group message or direct chat. The @Mentions will NOT appear in the own  Member's @Mentions inbox as a task.

How is a Member notified of a @Mentions?

Each mentioned Member gets a notification (if enabled in Notifications) and a badge count and list item in the @Mentions inbox. 

How to close a @Mentions:

To close @Mentions a Member can individually select threads or use the bulk action feature:

  • All - Selects all on this page

  • None - Deselects all on this page

  • Read - Selects all of the read threads

  • Unread - Selects all of the unread threads


Once a Member selects the messages, they need to 'Select an Action' 

  • Mark as Read - Selecting this will mark the selected message as read, and the badge count will decrease accordingly.

  • Mark as Unread - Selecting this will mark the selected message as unread, and the badge count will increase accordingly. This action should also mark the group/ direct as unread in the Team Messages section.

  • Close - Selecting this will remove the row from the @mentions page, and update the badge count accordingly.


If a Member @Mentions a Group, and someone in that group completes the task, how can the other Members know it has been done?

When enabled by the Customer Success Team, if multiple members or a specific group is @mentioned within patient or team chat, a new option to “Close for All” will be available within the Action dropdown.

This will close the selected @mention for the logged in member and for all other members or the group that was mentioned and remove it from all members @mentions list.

Use Case: Front desk @mentions the Clinical group about a picture that recently came in from a patient. They want to know if they should schedule an appointment or what clinical advice should be given to the patient.  Clinical member A sees the @mention and responds by @mentioning the front desk and answering the question. Since Clinical member A handled the question, they want to close the task for themselves and all other clinical team members that received the task.

Contact Customer Success to have this feature enabled in an organization. 

Can a Member's access be limited to the @Mention inbox on the Rhinogram mobile application?

Member's access to the mobile application can be limited to either Team Conversations or Contacts & Patient Messages. Visit Roles to review how to limit or disable mobile application access.