What is a merged contact?

A merged contact is when a Member merges any non-integrated contact into another non-integrated or integrated contact. When merging two contacts, there is a 'master' and 'non-master' contact. A non-master is the contact a Member wants to remove. A master contact is what remains after merging the contact; this contact cannot be an 'unknown'. 

Note: Merging an integrated contact to an integrated contact is not supported at this time.

Who can perform a merge?

Any Member with the existing Edit Contact Permission can complete a merge. If a member is missing the Edit Contact Permission, their Roles can be adjusted. 

What contacts can be a master in a merge?

Any integrated or non-integrated known contact can be the master in a merge. 

What contacts can be non-master in a merge?

Any non-integrated contact of all types (unknown, patient, other).

Can a Member undo a Merge between two contacts?

No, a merge cannot be undone. This is a permanent action in Rhinogram. 

How does a member merge a contact?

1. Start by searching and selecting the non-master, non-integrated contact.  

2. Select the 3 dots on the profile summary & then select 'Merge Contact'

3. This will open up a search window to search for the master contact

Here it is possible to search for the master contact (excluding the non-master, and other unknowns).

4. Select the desired known contact, then select 'Acknowledge and Merge'

What happens to the non-master contact after the merge?

The non-master contact will no longer be available in the contact list or searchable in Rhinogram. However, the previous activity on the non-master will be maintained in the Audit Log under the non-master's name. Thread history for both contacts will be maintained, and chronologically merged to the master thread, including all Appointment Reminder history, and RhinoPay requests.

How can a Member know when a Merge was completed on two contacts?

A Member see in a contact’s thread that a merge has taken place for a contact. Rhinogram creates a thread event like when a conversation is assigned, closed, etc. This event will indicate: Date Stamp, Member’s name that performed the merge, and the name of the non-master contact

Rules/Scenarios on Merged Contact data:

In general, Rhinogram avoids removing any data from the master contact. The profile details will be maintained on the master thread, according to the Merge rules, when the data doesn't conflict. For example, if the non-master and master contact both have a different date of birth, the master contact date of birth is what is displayed on the newly merged contact. 

If the details below are on both contacts, the Master contact will 'win' (See Exception): 

  • Contact Type i.e. Patient or Other

  • Names  i.e. First, Middle, Last, Preferred, Prefix, Suffix

  • Note

  • Birthdate

  • ID number

  • Gender

  • Forwarding

EXCEPTION to the rules above:

  • Merging two non-integrated contacts

    • The Master contact ID will display. If no data is on master, the ID will populate from the non-master contact. 

  • Non-integrated contact merging to an integrated contact

    • A member can only merge if non-master contact has no external ID. If the non-master has an external id, Rhinogram cannot merge that contact into an integrated contact, it will display an error message: ‘This contact has an external ID. Please check the database and resolve manually.’ 

    • The date of birth is never copied to an integrated master contact as the PMS is the source of truth.

If the details below are on both contacts, all details from the non-master contact will merge onto the master contact:

  • Phone Numbers (if number is the same but type is different, then maintain master only)

  • Tags

  • Assignments on different Channels

  • Email addresses

  • Connected Parties to avoid duplicates

  • Messages and events on threads

  • Saved Content Library files

  • Appointments Reminder history will be added for any unique appointments from non-master

  • All conversation thread history

  • Follow - If either contact is being followed, maintain the follow.

  • Open Conversations will stay open in same inbox

  • RhinoPay Manager

If the details below are on both contacts, the most recent/updated information 'wins': 

  • Consent Status for HIPAA, Marketing, RhinoPay

  • Any open RhinoPay Requests the most recent is maintained. Any paid requests will go onto the master contact, and RhinoPay Manager will have the master contact as the linked contact that paid this request.

  • Message Translation preference

What happens if the non-master and master contact each have 3 different phone numbers?

All phone numbers are merged to the master contact. No phone numbers will be removed. The master contact which displays in Rhinogram will have 6 phone numbers in the profile summary. 

What if both Contacts have a RhinoSecure login?

If both Contacts have a RhinoSecure login, a merge is not possible. If only one of the contacts have a RhinoSecure login, that login will be maintained.

What happens to the non-master contact if they are on a Saved List for RhinoBlasts, etc?

If the non-master contact is on a Saved Lists, the non-master is removed.