How do I know when a message fails?

Within the conversation thread, if the message fails to send, a Failed status message will appear in Red font as shown below. It will also show as a red triangle in the inbox/group.

What are common reasons text messages fail?

1. The Message is Too Large or the Message contains an attachment

Remember that each contact you text can have a different carrier or phone plan which determines what messages the contact can receive. 

Messages larger than 160 characters are often delivered as MMS messages. Messages with 160 characters or less are delivered as SMS messages. Some phone plans do not support MMS messages so sending a text as a SMS message may help.

In addition, any message that contains an attachment will be delivered as a MMS message. If the contact can not receive MMS messages, the message may fail. 

When using the "Attach file" option within the message tab, the file size must be 1 MB or less. If the attachment is over 600 KB it will send as a link.

If the message does fail, navigate to the RhinoSecure channel and attempt to send the message from there or attach the file to a Template if it is meant to be used multiple times. Attachments sent through templates that are larger than 600KB or contain file types other than images will be delivered using a secure link. 

2. Texting a Landline Number

One of the most common reasons messages fail is because the number is not a mobile number, but rather it is a landline number. 

  • Verify in the Practice Management System that the number is not a landline and that it is a cell phone number. 
  • When in doubt, verify the number here: Landline or Cell Phone? or call the patient to validate the number on file.

3. Carrier Delivery/Carrier Filtering

Carriers can affect how messages are delivered. Each carrier has different character limitations, transmission delays, security rules, or could cause messages to duplicate. Just like calls, texts could be dropped or fail due to carrier availability. 

With an increase number of spam companies trying to deliver malicious links, etc via text, carriers have put extra security around messages that appear to be repetitious with no variance, contain links that are not unique or where several messages are delivered in a short period of time.

This is something that each practice will need to keep in mind when sending out RhinoBlast messages that may contain just text or a link.

When creating TemplatesRhinogram highly recommends using a variable to lessen the blocking frequency. Visit Message Character Counts (SMS vs. MMS) to learn more about restrictions. 

4. Change in Phone Carrier or Vendor

Prior to making any changes to an organizations phone carrier, please Contact Rhinogram Support

In Implementation, Rhinogram made the main number textable. Any changes could possibly affect this ability. Before Switching Your Phone Carrier, Consider This!

5. Text Message Contains a Shortened Link 

Most carriers block shortened URLs because spammers use them to hide malicious links. Do not use .bitly for URLs, it is the most commonly blocked URL by major carriers. 

Why can't a member send an outbound message?

A Member does not have access to the Channel.

If prompted with the message below, "No Channels," this means the Member has not been added to the default group where the messages are being routed (most often the Front Desk or All Patient Messages inbox). 

To correct this, an Admin will need to add the Member to the Group that the main line is routed. Often this is called 'Front Desk' or 'All Patient Messages').

To prevent this in the future, when adding a new member, ensure the Member is included in default group for all incoming messages.