Before you attempt to re-authorize your Facebook Channel Integration, make sure you meet the following criteria:
You are a Facebook Page Editor or Page Administrator for the connected Facebook Business Page.
You are a Member of Rhinogram with Administrative Permissions.
You are using a desktop or laptop computer, NOT a mobile device.
Re-authorizing your Facebook Channel will restore your previous level of service with the Facebook Integration. Due to changes sometimes made by Facebook, this might be required to ensure full integration functionality. Once completed, you should begin receiving messages sent to your Facebook page in Rhinogram as you did prior to the outage.
If you do not have a Facebook Channel Integration setup and would like to receive your Facebook Messenger messages in Rhinogram, you’ll need to do that instead of re-authorizing, which can only be done with an existing integration. Click here to learn how.
Step 1: Logging Into Facebook
Before doing anything else, you’ll want to get on your laptop or desktop computer and log in to the Facebook account for which you are a Page Editor or Page Administrator. Logging in on the same browser as you will use to access Rhinogram will allow you to easily re-authorize the page’s connection.
Step 2: Login to Rhinogram
Login to Rhinogram on the same browser (Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer) you used to login to Facebook. You’ll want to make sure that you are an Administrator of your Rhinogram account in order for the re-authorization to work.
Step 3: Navigate to Your Facebook Channel Integration
In order to access the Facebook Channel, you’ll want to click on the gear icon in the lower left corner of the page to access Settings.
Once in Settings, select Channels.
On the Channel Settings Page, you will see a list of Channels your organization has enabled. Find your Facebook Account within this list and select it, then click Edit. If you do not see a Facebook Channel, then you’ll need to set one up instead of re-authorizing.
Step 4: Re-Authorize Facebook Integration
Before clicking the re-authorize button, you’ll want to make sure you allow pop-ups in your browser.
Once you’re sure that pop-ups are allowed, then click the Re-Authorize button. You might see a pop-up appear quickly then go away or you may be prompted to select OKAY when Facebook asks you if you’d like to allow Rhinogram to receive messages.
Follow the prompts and when you have successfully re-authorized the connection, you’ll see a confirmation message on the screen that looks like this:
Note: The Re-Authorize button will remain the same after you click it and it will still say re-authorize. That is normal.
Congratulations! You have now successfully re-authorized your Facebook Channel and you should start receiving Facebook Messenger messages just like before the outage. If you did not get a confirmation that your Channel was successfully re-authorized, please reach out to Rhinogram Success or call 423-800-7644 for assistance.
If after re-authorization, you are still having issues receiving messages through Facebook Messenger, the issue could be that your Facebook Messenger Platform is not configured appropriately to support the Rhinogram Integration. Read more here on how to configure your Facebook Account so that messages can be sent through to Rhinogram.