Appointment Data
Modified on: Fri, 17 Jun, 2022 at 8:26 AM
What does Appointment Type Data mean in Rhinogram?
Organizations have the ability to create custom reminder messages for certain types of appointments. For those organizations utilizing Appointment Reminders, if the organization does not want to customize the reminders, nothing will change.
What is an Appointment Type Campaign?
An Appointment Type Campaign gives integrated Rhinogram organizations the ability to send specific appointment types a certain creation or reminder message, at a specific interval. Organization can have several campaigns i.e. virtual appointments, new patient, recall, etc.
What is the Default campaign?
The Default campaign allows the member to customize the reminder message content for one or more appointment types. The Default reminder message will also be used if any appointments are received that do not contain an appointment type.
Note: Each integrated organization that is currently using Rhinogram for appointment reminders will have a Default campaign already configured that matches exactly what was previously configured. All appointment types will be included in the default Appointment reminder message initially, unless certain types have been disabled in Step 1.
How to modify the default Appointment Type Campaign:
1. Go to Settings-> Appointment Type Data

2. Under Appointment Data, for an integrated organization, Rhinogram will display the Appointment Types from the PMS (practice management system).
There are 3 columns:
Type Name: this displays the Appointment Type name as it was received from the PMS
Alias: Allows the Member to to rename the Appointment type within Rhinogram. By default the Type Name and Alias will match.
Include (toggle): For certain appointment types a Member can choose to not send appointment reminders for, toggle off. By default, all appointment types will be toggled on

3. To configure Appointment reminders by type, go to 'Appointment Reminders'. Here a Member will see the Default campaign.

4. Next to edit the default appointment reminder message, select the default campaign from the list.

Select the Edit Message button to open the edit page.
From within the Edit page, a member can:
Rename the Appointment Reminder campaign
Choose whether this campaign should be used for any appointments received from the PMS that may NOT include an appointment type. (Selecting the Default Message checkbox can only be selected for 1 Appointment reminder campaign)

Choose which appointment types this reminder campaign will apply too. The member may select one or multiple types from the types list.

Choose whether this specific appointment reminder campaign should send Appointment Created messages. If yes, toggle on. If no, keep the toggle off. If the Appointment Created message is enabled, customize the message the contact should receive.
Variables: Office Name will include the name of the location where the appointment is scheduled. Type will include the Alias name for the appt. Type associated to the specific appointment.

Choose whether this specific appointment reminder campaign should send Appointment. Reminder messages. If yes, toggle on. If no, keep the toggle off. If the Appt. reminder message is enabled, customize the message the patient should receive.
Variables: Office Name will include the name of the location where the appointment is scheduled. Type will include the Alias name for the appt. Type associated to the specific appointment.

5. Save changes.
How to setup a new Appointment Type Campaign:
1. From Appointment Reminders select the green + sign
2. Assign the campaign a name, and select the appointment types from the list that should be in the campaign to receive a specific creation or reminder message.

The types list will display whether specific types have already been selected in a different campaign and what campaign they are included in.
3. Choose whether this specific appointment reminder campaign should send Appointment. Created messages. If yes, toggle on. If no, keep the toggle off. If the Appointment Created message is enabled, customize the message the contact should receive.
Variables: Office Name will include the name of the location where the appointment is scheduled. Type will include the Alias name for the appt. Type associated to the specific appointment.

4. Choose whether this specific appointment reminder campaign should send Appointment. Reminder messages. If yes, toggle on. If no, keep the toggle off. If the Appt. reminder message is enabled, customize the message the patient should receive.
Variables: Office Name will include the name of the location where the appointment is scheduled. Type will include the Alias name for the appt. Type associated to the specific appointment.

5. Save changes.
How many campaigns can each appointment type be included in?
Each type can ONLY be applied to a SINGLE reminder campaign. This means selecting an Appointment Type that has already been applied to a different campaign will uncheck it from the previous campaign, and add it to the new campaign.
Can a Member include the appointment type name in the actual reminder message sent to a contact?
Yes, a Member can include the appointment type name in the actual reminder message sent to a contact. If an organization wants to include the Appointment Type in certain reminders, the alias column allows the Member to rename the Appointment Type to something that is patient friendly. The variable 'Type' should be used in the message to pull the alias.
Can an organization choose to not send a reminder to a certain Appointment Type?
An organization has the option to send no reminder by unchecking the Appointment Type from the Default Campaign and not applying this type to any campaign.
Once a Member modifies an Appointment Campaign, how long does it take for the changes to go into production ie send to the contact?
Changes to the Appointment Campaigns take place immediately within Rhinogram. The data has already been imported from the PMS, so outbound creation/reminder messages will send based on what is set up in the campaign. Reminder if the appointment type changes in the PMS, that data will not update until the PMS syncs again with Rhinogram. For example, if the PMS and Rhinogram sync every night, if a Member changes an Appointment type in the PMS today, that change will not be in Rhinogram until tomorrow.
Who can set up the Appointment Type data?
A Member by default with Admin role will be able to access the Appointment Type Data and configure the Appointment campaigns.
Can a Member select the outgoing Channel (phone number if multiple exist) per Appointment Location?
Yes, a Member can customize the outgoing channel by going to Settings->Preferences.
Can the Provider name that is displayed in the Appointment Manager be edited?
Yes, a Member can customize the Provider Name in the Appointment Data by selecting Provider at the top of the screen. You will see the Provider Name as it appears in your PMS/EHR on the left, and the Provider Display Name on the right. The member can edit the display name on the right, then Save at the bottom.

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