What does Select, Save & Share Content mean in Rhinogram?
Select, Save and Share allows a member to save some or all parts of a conversation within the message thread as a PDF. Once saved, this PDF document can be shared internally or externally, such as saving in the patient's chart within your Practice Management System (PMS).
What Roles does a Member need to Select, Save & Share Content?
Select, Save & Share Content is a permission given to the Admin role by default. To allow other staff members to use this feature, create a custom Role.
How does a Member select content to save, and share?
1. From the contact's conversation thread, select the 3 dots, and then "Select Content".
2. This view is the "Select Content Mode". Next, the Member selects the parts of the conversation they want to save by selecting and checking the content from the message thread.
Note: In this mode, a Member will not be able to compose a new message. To return to Messaging Mode, select “Cancel” in the bottom left hand corner.
All content within the conversation thread are selectable using the checkboxes:
Messages (Sent/Received)
Images (Sent/Received)
Thread Events (HIPAA consent update, assignment event, etc)
As content is selected, the selection count will adjust accordingly.
Selecting Preview allows the Member to view the document before saving. Information will display in chronological order as a preview of how it will look when the document is saved.
Note: Selecting 'Cancel' while in selection mode or closing the conversation thread prior to saving the content means the previous selections will not be saved.
3. To save the content as a PDF, add a required Title and optional Notes, then select 'Save Selection'.
*If your organization has an integration that supports document write-back, there is an option to send the document directly to the patient's chart in the EHR/PMS, in addition to saving it in the patient's library.
The library will update with the sent to EHR timestamp and will show what member sent the content and the timestamp. In the conversation thread, there will be an event added with the member's name and the time that the document was sent to the EHR.
4. Once saved, the Member will be taken out of Select Content Mode and be returned back to regular Messaging Mode. The right hand panel will display the saved content under Saved Content Actions.
Under Saved Content, proceed with saving or sharing the content. To save, select the download icon which allows the PDF to be downloaded on the member's device. To share the unique saved content link, select the copy link option shown below.
A thread event will display on the contact's record with the details of when, what and who created the link, as well as a link to the selected content.
What is a Content Library?
Any content that has been saved will live within the contact’s profile summary under Library.
What actions can a Member perform within the content library?
View Content
Download as a PDF
Copy and share url for internal team sharing
Copy PDF and share to another Contact's profile
Send Content directly to EHR/PMS (Only available for Cloud9
and Nextech Integrations )
Note: If saved content fails to send initially, the Member will receive a notification:
Delete Saved content: A Member will need to have the delete permission associated in order to delete. Once any saved content has been deleted, the link in the thread event created when it was originally saved will then state (deleted).
Can an Admin prevent Members from being able to delete content from the library?
Members who have the Admin Role can edit or delete content from the Library. A custom Role can be setup for a Member if needed.
Options to Share saved Content
Option 1: Select 'download' to save the PDF to the workstation, and then upload to PMS/EHR, or share as needed.
Note: While this file is encrypted during transmission in Rhinogram, once downloaded, the Member and organization are responsible for implementing appropriate safeguards to protect the data. This may include but not limited to encryption or deletion to the extent required by applicable law.
Option 2: Copy the link to share the content internally with other Members via a Note within the patient message thread using @mentions to notify the right team member, a Direct Team Message or Team Message Group. This link is intended to be shared internally, as anyone without a Rhinogram login will not be able to access it.
Option 3: Select the content that needs to be shared, and select 'Copy to'
Next a modal with two options will display:
Send Content directly to EHR/PMS (Only available for Cloud9, Dolphin and Nextech Integrations)
Copy the document to another contact within the Rhinogram account. (If the content was saved on a Responsible Party's profile, and it needs to be sent to the patient's documents in the EHR/PMS, the document will need to be copied to the patient first, then from the patient's library it can be copied to the EHR/PMS).
How can a Member copy saved content and send to another contact?
Yes, a Member can copy saved content and send to another contact's library.
1. From the contacts library, select the content that needs to be shared
2. Select the 'Copy Now' button
3. Connected parties will display here by default. If there are no connected parties, none will display. Search for the desired contact if needed.
4. Select the desired contact, and share with the new contact.
When a Member copies content from one contact to another, what shows in the original contact's library?
Copied documents remain in the original contact’s library and appear in the new contact’s contact library. Details of the copy action display under the Copy Document header and show the following details:
Copied to [New contact] by [Member] on [Date].
The New Contact’s name is hyperlinked, and selecting the name sends the Member to that contact’s library.
A thread event is created with the following details on the original contact's message thread:
File [Name] was copied to [New Contact] by [Member] on [Date]
When a Member copies content from one contact to another, what shows in the new 'Copy To' contact's library?
Details of the copy action display under the Copy Document header and show the following details:
Copied from [original contact] by [Member] on [Date]
The Original Contact’s name is hyperlinked, and selecting the name sends the Member to that contact’s library.
A thread event is created with the following details on the new contact's message thread:
File [ Name] was copied from [Original Contact] by [Member] on [ Date].
Is saved content visible in both the original and new contact's library?
All document actions remain the same on both the original and new contact’s library-- i.e. can still download, copy URL, send to EHR if an organization is integrated and the contact is an integrated patient, etc.
It is possible to copy the saved content again?
Yes, If the same content was copied multiple times to the same contact, it displays in different rows under the Copy Document activity. Rhinogram displays 6 rows within the Copy Document section by default. If more than 6 “copies” have taken place, a 'View All' option will appear allowing the Member to expand to see more information.
Is all Copied Content events visible in the Audit Log?
Yes, all actions are trackable in the Audit Log.
Why does a document pushed from Rhinogram to Cloud9 not match the title used within Rhinogram?
Cloud 9 requires unique titles in the document cabinet or they reject/fail the document from being saved, or "pushed back." Rhinogram auto generates a code to ensure it is unique, and to avoid failures.
*For Cloud9 Integrations, any document uploads occur in real time to the Cloud9 Documents section of the patient's chart. If a Member saves content in Rhinogram, the document MUST be 5MB or less.
*For Nextech Integrations, any document uploads occur in real time to the Nextech Documents section of the patient's chart.