What are Contacts?
Contacts are people you are communicating with in Rhinogram. There are 3 different types of contacts.
Patient: Someone who is a patient of your practice.
Other: Someone who is not a patient. As an example, this could be a connected party/family member or a referring Doctor.
Unknown: A contact that has not been saved as either an Other or a Patient. They will be listed by either their phone number or Facebook profile name.
How do I view a list of my current Contacts?
On the left hand side of your screen, you will see a contacts button:
By selecting this, Rhinogram will display a list view of your individual contacts. This list will be sorted in alphabetical order according to last name.
If you have the correct permission settings, you will also see a tab for Saved List. Members with the correct permissions can send a RhinoBlast message from either the Individual Contact page or the Saved List page. To learn more, visit here.
How do I know how many Contacts I have?
Your total number of contacts is displayed at the top of your contacts list.
How do I filter my Contacts?
Next to “Total Contacts” you will find a drop down list to filter based on contact type. The options are as seen below. As an example, if you select Patient, Rhinogram will filter your list of contacts to only display contacts with the type- Patient.
You can also filter by Tags. If more than one tag is selected it will bring up only the contacts that have all of the tags selected (functions as AND not OR). Additional filters are name, DOB, Patient ID, HIPAA Consent, HIPAA Last Updated, Marketing Consent, Marketing Last Updated, and VCards.
When selecting the HIPAA Last Updated or Marketing Last Updated filters, the member will have the ability to choose the time frame they wish to search.

We have also added in a V-Card Filter. Click here for more information regarding V-Cards.
What actions can be taken from the Contact Page?
- Bulk apply or remove tags for up to 2000 patients
- Filter by tags, name, dob, and/or patient ID, and send a RhinoBlast message to up to 50 contacts at a time.
What options do I have to add in more Contacts?
There are 3 ways to get your contacts into Rhinogram.