What is a Character Counter?
All text message compose areas have a character counter to display the total characters for a given message. This count will display in the lower right hand corner, below the send symbol.
Why is my character count Orange?
Once the counter exceeds 160 characters, the counter changes color to make you aware that messages over this length may send as more than one message or a MMS message depending on the carrier of the patient.
If my character count is above 160, will my message still send?
Yes, your message will still be sent. This feature simply makes you aware of your current character count and how long your message is.
Where will I see the character counter tool?
This count will appear anywhere a text message is being composed or sent. Below is a list of these specific areas:
1. Inbox compose area - For Messages only (Does not apply to RhinoSecure or Notes)
2. Template message area
3. Out of Office message area
4. Appointment Reminders (Counter includes placeholder variables)