Manual Contact Creation
Modified on: Thu, 24 Sep, 2020 at 11:27 PM
How does a Member manually create a contact in Rhinogram?
Adding a contact manually is one way to get patient information into a Rhinogram organization. If the Rhinogram organization is integrated with a PMS/EHR do NOT manually add patient contacts. Instead, add the patient to the PMS/EHR or update the necessary information in the PMS/EHR and the changes will be reflected in Rhinogram.
Two ways Non-integrated Rhinogram organizations can add a contact:
Add a Contact where no current message exists
1. Select the global search bar at the top of the page.
2. Search current contacts list by Name, Date of Birth, Phone Number, Patient ID, Email or Tag. Be sure to verify the contact does not already exist to eliminate the chance of a duplicate.
3. Click '+ Create New Contact' located at the bottom of the window.

4. Enter the Contact's information by selecting Patient or Other contact type. Note that selecting 'Patient' a date of birth will be required to enter the contact.
5. Enter all of the required fields which are indicated by a red asterisk. Add Tags and Connected Parties as needed, or enable Forwarding.
6. When entering in a phone number, if the phone number is already owned by another contact within the organization, a prompt will display regarding Phone Ownership. This allows the Member to choose whether the new contact should be the owner of the phone number or have it remain the same.
7. Members have the option to add an ID. This is important if the organization is entering patients manually, and might want Integrations in the future. This ID will link the existing thread with the patient's information once synced with the PMS, preventing duplicate contacts.
Also, IDs make it easier to correctly identify patients and search for them with our global search bar. Rhinogram only allows one ID to be owned by a contact, a Member will never accidentally enter in a duplicated ID number.
8. Select update at the bottom of the page to save the Contact.
Add a Contact when a message thread exists with an Unknown contact
1. Locate the message thread associated with the Unknown contact, navigate to the conversation thread.
2. Once the message thread is selected, a Summary is viewable. A Member can either Create a New Contact, or create a Merged Contact.

3. Once 'Create New Contact' is selected, the Member will enter the Contact's information by selecting Patient or Other contact type. Enter the Contact's information by selecting Patient or Other contact type. Note that selecting 'Patient' a date of birth will be required to enter the contact.
4. Enter all of the required fields which are indicated by a red asterisk. Add Tags and Connected Parties as needed, or enable Forwarding.
5. When entering in a phone number, if the phone number is already owned by another contact within the organization, a prompt will display regarding Phone Ownership. This allows the Member to choose whether the new contact should be the owner of the phone number or have it remain the same.
6. Members have the option to add an ID. This is important if the organization is entering patients manually, and might want Integrations in the future. This ID will link the existing thread with the patient's information once synced with the PMS, preventing duplicate contacts.
Also, IDs make it easier to correctly identify patients and search for them with our global search bar. Rhinogram only allows one ID to be owned by a contact, a Member will never accidentally enter in a duplicated ID number.
7. Select update at the bottom of the page to save the Contact.
How does a Member Edit a contact's profile?
Once a contact has been created, a Member can edit that contact by locating them via the global search or in the organization's Contact list. Choose the Contact -> Select Edit Profile in the summary view.

In edit mode, a Member can adjust any detail of the Contact's Profile.
Note: If an organization is integrated the demographic information section of a contact's profile will not be editable in Rhinogram. Any changes you need to make should be made within the PMS/EHR and Rhinogram will update pending the refresh time with the PMS/EHR.
Can a Member turn off Appointment Reminders for a Contact?
When editing a Contact's profile, there is a section for Allowing Appointment Reminders. When an integration is enabled for a Rhinogram organization, by default this section will be set to allow. Members can adjust this setting on an individual basis.

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