What are Member Notifications? 

Rhinogram has two different kinds of notifications and both can be managed by selecting the Profile Icon -> Preferences. Once a Member is in the preferences section, there are options for Mobile Notifications (iOS & Android) or Desktop (computer browser). Members select their preferred notifications and select 'Update' at the bottom of the page to save the selections.


How does a Member enable Notifications?

1. Log into Rhinogram

2. The Member will click on their initials or photo in the upper right-hand corner

3. Select Preferences to view 'My Preferences'.  The Member checks the preferred boxes for the Mobile and Desktop options to enable. Notifications are by default turned off.

4. Select 'Update Preferences' at the bottom of the page to save. A notification will appear at the top of the browser if a Member is  setting these for the first time for your desktop application. Select 'Allow' to complete  desktop notification setup.

If this step is skipped, or a Member clicks 'Block', the Member's preferences will show an alert. 

What type of push notifications will be received if a Member is logged in to Multiple Sessions?

Push Notification Rules will be as follows:

What is the maximum badge count notifications a Member will see in the Navigation Panel?

The badge count displays up-to 5 digits long next in the Navigation Panel. If the number goes beyond 5 digits, then we will display 99,999. The 5 digit long maximum will display in the browser tab,  menu items, and Rhinogram application. 

How does a Member enable a Mobile Alert option?

This is an alternative sound from the default Mobile Alert. It is a more prominent sound, and an extended chime lasting around 7 seconds. This would be helpful to enable for after hours usage to ensure a Member is notified that a message has been sent to their organization. 


How does a member opt out of sound and badge notifications ?

By default, members are opted in to receive sound and badge count notifications. To opt out, simply disable the toggle by going to the my settings , preferences,  and scrolling to notification section.



To enable this option for your organization, please contact Rhinogram Success 


 Review the Organization System Timeout to be logged out automatically. Upon being logged out, a Member must log into the mobile application to ensure Mobile Alerts. 

Attention iPhone Users: If a Member has an Apple Watch, and their iPhone is locked and notifications are mirrored to the watch, the notification will come to the Apple Watch rather than the iPhone with a sound. Visit Apple's help center to learn more about mirroring: https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204791

A Member should be sure they have enabled Rhinogram notifications in the iOS settings. Visit Apple's help center to learn more about notifications: https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT201925

Attention Android Users: Members should verify the sound is turned on, and be sure they enable sound notifications on their device, not just ringtone. 

Before enabling sound notifications

After enabling sound notifications

Visit here to learn more: https://support.google.com/accessibility/android/answer/10092548?hl=en