What is the RhinoForm Manager?

RhinoForms Manager allows Admins to view the current status of all forms sent from their Rhinogram account. 

RhinoForms Manager Overview: 


How can a Member access the RhinoForms Manager?

Only members with RhinoForm view permissions can view this screen, this is included in the standard Member Role.  To access RhinoForms manager, select Settings in the lower left hand corner -> RhinoForms Manager. 


What dates are available to choose from?

The RhinoForms Manager defaults to "Last 7 days" when you initially access the page. To change the date parameter, a Member can use the date picker at the top of the screen. By choosing a custom date range, you may select any previous dates. Future dates are not supported.


What does each status mean?

  • Completed -  forms that have been completed and submitted back to the practice by the contact.

  • Sent - forms sent to the contact but have yet to be completed.

  • Generated - forms that have been generated under a contact's Form Activity in their profile summary

  • Expired - forms that were sent to the contact but have been expired. Forms can expire two different ways: 

    • Automatically expire if they are not completed within 30 days. 

    • If a Member attempts to send the same form to the same contact more than once, and the original form has NOT been completed, the original form will automatically be marked as expired.

What information is available in RhinoForms Manager?

Within the list, the manager will display the date and time the form was sent, the name of the form, the status of the form and the contact to whom the form was sent. Once the form has been completed the PDF icon will appear under the Form View column. The completed form can be viewed by clicking on the PDF icon.


Can a Member access the contact's conversation from the RhinoForms Manager?

Yes, selecting the contact’s hyperlinked name will take a Member to the contact’s conversation thread.

Can a Member message patients from the RhinoForms Manager?

Yes, the patients can be filtered, then selected using the checkboxes on the left side. Once patients are selected, the Message Contacts button will appear at the top right side of the screen. 

The Message Contacts button will bring up the RhinoBlast window where the patients can be confirmed, the template chosen, and the channel the message will be sent from.