Why can I not see my patient’s  Appointment Reminder on their thread?

All reminder messages will appear on the phone owner's conversation thread just like manual messages. To view the phone owner’s profile, simply select View under their phone number in their profile summary. This will display the owner of the phone number and allow you to view their profile.

Ex. A child has an appt. and the mother’s phone number is associated with his contact record in Rhinogram. The appt. reminder will not show on the child’s record, but rather on the mother’s thread.

Which phone numbers will receive my patient’s Appointment Reminder?

Appointment created messages and Appointment Reminders will go out to all unique phone numbers on the patient’s profile. These phone numbers are being pulled over from the patient’s profile in your practice management system.

How do I prevent a number from getting an automated appointment message?

Remove the phone number from the patient's profile in your PMS/EHR and Rhinogram will remove that number as well. If a contact would like to opt-out of all automated reminders, you may toggle Appointment Reminders off in their profile summary.

Why is my office’s location variable not showing?
At this time, only certain PMS/EHRs provide Rhinogram with office location information. If the office location variable is not available, this means it is not supported for your specific integration at this time. 

My patient received multiple reminders, Why?

As stated previously, our reminder messages will go out to every unique phone number on the patient’s Rhinogram profile. If the patient has 3 phone numbers, you can expect 3 reminder messages to be sent out for them.

Why did my automated reminder message fail?

Text failures can happen for many reasons. The most common reason for appointment messages is the fact that it might have attempted to send to a landline number. Rhinogram will resend the message only in the case that the initial message failed to all of the phone numbers on the patient’s record. If it was successful to any of the numbers in the first attempt, then we treat that as a success and we will not make another attempt to resend.

To learn more about failed messages, visit our Failed Messages FAQ!

If I move my patient’s appointment to another chair in the office, will they get another automated reminder?

This functionality depends on the type of practice management system you have. In some cases, moving a patient from one chair to another within the practice will result in a duplicated appointment created message and also a duplicated appointment reminder if moved prior to the selected delivery time frame. This is due to some EHR/PMSs sending Rhinogram an “edit” for this appointment and edits to appointments do trigger additional messages to be sent.

If you notice your system treating a chair movement as an edit, causing duplicated messages to be sent, please reach out to Success@Rhinogram.com.

My patient received a reminder for an appointment 2 months from now, why?

If you have your appointment reminders configured to send out 48 hours in advance and your patient gets a text message right away, this is the appointment created message. Appointment created messages are designed to send out after an appointment is made depending on your refresh time/schedule.

You may turn off your appointment created messages or change the verbiage to let them know that this is just a notification letting you know that an appointment has been scheduled with our office.

If you would like to learn more about the differences, visit our Automated Appointment Reminders FAQ.