Basic appointment reminder.
Hi, [Patient Name]! We look forward to seeing you for your appointment at [time, date]. Feel free to call or text with any questions.
Follow-up. (Feel free to insert questions or details pertinent to that patient’s treatments and status.)
Hi [Patient Name], it was great seeing at your appointment this week. I just wanted to see how you’re doing and see if I can answer any questions for you.
Patient has asked a question, and the user is going to fetch the answer. This is a quick message to let them know you're on the case.
Thanks for your question. Let me find the answer for you!
Reactivation. Records indicate they're due for an appointment. Invite them to send in times that work for them.
Hi [Name], It’s time to get your teeth cleaned! Is there a day in the next week that would work for you? Your appointment should only take about 30 minutes.
Opening notification. If another patient cancels, this is a quick message to let another patient know about the opening and ask if they'd like to come in then.
Hey [Patient Name], we’ve had an opening in our schedule at [time and date]. Would you rather come in then, or keep your appointment on [time and date]?
Missed appointment.
Hey [Patient Name], sorry you couldn’t make it to your appointment today. Would you like to reschedule?